Chapter 3

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Jakes pov-After Erika told us about her life I was shocked and felt sorry for her.I was thinking about her for awhile and how pretty she was when I finally drifted off into a sleep(a couple days later from a lot of unpacking they start college today)
Erika wakes up put some leggings and a crop top on for the gym and made her way to the kitchen as she walked in she saw jake with just joggers on trying to ram the smoothie top into the bottom.i admired his back muscles as he was tensing trying to work the smoothie machine but then I soon spoke up.
E-morning jake!
J-shit jake said as he turned around scared.
Erika giggled
J-wat you laughing at roomy.
E-just how you have been trying to put the smoothie top in the wrong way all this time.
J-oh so you were watching were you he turned around looked me up and down and smirked.
E-I slightly nugde past him and turn the blender on properly for him and said what u doing up early?
Jakes pov- she just dodged that pretty good.
J-going on a run and u?
E-same...well wanna maybe run together.
J-if you can keep up he winked grabbed
his smoothie bottle and we headed out the door.
Erika pov-I didnt know what to think of this kid it's almost like he is trying to flirt but in a really annoying way to me. I brush it off and we run for about an hour with Seperate head phones in and occasionally having a slight chat.

We finished up and walked through the door to find Anthony and McKenzie eat cereal on the stools on the mini island.
A/M-where have you two been..god we do that to much StOp ahhh me and jake both laughed as did them and then jake replies.
J-we went on a run it is quite sunny out.
A-yeah it is Anthony winked at jake.
M-damm erika you've got better abs than jake what do you.
E-Erika giggles and then replied I guess I just used to have a lot of time to work out I said trying not to think of them times.but thankyou mckenzie I'm going to shower and head to class.
Erika leaves and we begin to talk.
M-god that girl had been through a lot.
J-I know she seems really nice and I'm glad she is our room mate
A-yeah we should definitely try and make her have u know like a teenage life that she has never had like going out with friends like do u think she has gotten drunk or like had sex or been to party or gone to McDonald at 12 in the morning with there friends to buy a bottle of water and use the free WiFi to get out the house.
Mckenzie laughs
M-I don't know but we will make that stuff happen if it has not.
Jake is in his own world at this point thinking about how beutiful she was and how she has been through hell and back to end up in a dorm room with 3 idiots but we have fun and maybe that's what Erika needs from us.
We all go our seperate ways and head to college together as we are in 3rd period we are all sat together even chance so him and Erika meet and we all begin to laugh about our life while doing the little work the teacher has provided for our first lesson.
C-so the first college party is tonight u guys coming.
Everyone but Erika.hell yeah
M-Erika your coming
E-but she was cut off
M- no buts we're going
C-it's settles then meet at the postcode I will send to you Anthony at 8:30
A-no problem see ya then
They all walk out and head back to there dorms after last period it was around 4 and erika went to McKenzie's door and nocked.
M-come In!
Erika opened the door and said
E-I really don't know about this party you know it might sound stupid but I've never really like been to one before and I just am a very nervous person.
M-look erika it's fine we know how your life has been and we want to make these college years the best to make up the best ones that you have missed
E-aww thankyou mckenzie no ones has ever really done anything nice for me before.
M-no problem I'm always here for you and Im sure jake and Anthony are go get your ass in the shower and I will give you a mckenzies very own magical amazing spectacular makeover
I laugh and go and get in the shower it is around 8 and me and McKenzie have just finished getting ready I look at myself in the mirror and I smile I am actually pretty excited to just have fun.

so go get your ass in the shower and I will give you a mckenzies very own magical amazing spectacular makeover I laugh and go and get in the shower it is around 8 and me and McKenzie have just finished getting ready I look at myself in the mirror ...

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McKenzie and Erika looked like this and when they headed into the living room seeing jake and Anthony both wearing black ripped jeans and different colours t shirts with yeezies and a jacket

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McKenzie and Erika looked like this and when they headed into the living room seeing jake and Anthony both wearing black ripped jeans and different colours t shirts with yeezies and a jacket. Not going to lie jakes looked really hot as we were both gazing at each over McKenzie interlocks my arm with hers and pulls me out the door into the taxi we all get in and head there.Im scared but at the same time excited i obviously know what one consists of like alcohol,music dancing and hook ups but I have never been to one so I step out the taxi and all 4 of us walked into this big modern house which was bouncing with music and was filled with people,if you could call them that.we walked theought the door and Jake turned around and said
J-well erika this is a party
E-duh jake I think I gathered that one.
Anthony and McKenzie were practically pissing themselves as jake stood back abit offended McKenzie finally stopped laughing and took me to get a drink.

Hope you enjoyed plz comment!

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