Chapter 9

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Erika's pov-I wake up still with a smile on my face.After the amazing events that happened yesterday it still hasn't sunken in that I now have a modelling job with vs.I turn my head to my bed side table and reach for my phone,I look and see hundreds and hundreds of instergram notifications so I went on the app and saw I almost had 10k followers.OMG.i then go on the tagged section and see me on a post by Victoria secrets it was one of the pictures they took of me the other day in there new underwear it was captioned 'New models?'.
I couldn't believe it,just then mckenzie came running into my room.
M-have you seen your Instagram,your blowing up.
E-ik it's crazy I'm on there page
M-Omg I'm so proud of my best friend
Erika smiled
E-aaawww thankyou
M-anyway I haven't got to speak about it to you these past days but are we just gonna ignore the fact that you and Jake have been very close kissing.
E-uummm I don't know what your talking about.whos jake?
M-dont play dumb Erika how do you feel about him.
E-I mean I really like him to be honest,he's just different and he listens to me which not many people do.
M-aawww so are you gonna go on a date or something.
E-I mean we said that we would take it slow because I haven't been in a relationship before.
M-yeah them hickeys on your neck really shows that your taking things slow.*she says pointing to her neck and laughing*
Erika pulls her hoodie up to her neck and nervously laughs.
E-anyway lets get ready for college.
M-ye whatever you better update me on my otp .
E-I mean if you are that interested maby you could speak to him, you know about us and see if he is on the same page before I go in too deep.
M-of course I will do know back in high school they used to call me Cupid.
E-oh shut up *i said laughing and pushing her out my door*

They all go to college and they were all in separate lessons so it was boring.They meet up at a coffee shop after.There all sat down.
A-so guys do you know what I'm thinking we should do on this sunny Friday night.
J-no one ever know what your thinking toner.
E-*erika starts historically laughing*what the fuck is a toner.
Everyone else laughs at her comment.
A-it's not a something it's the dumbass nick name they give me.
E-I love it.*still laughing*
C-anyway what's the plan.
A-well I think we should camp by the lake and have a little campfire and a couple drinks.
Everyone agrees except erika.
E-well I've got to go sign some contracts at 5 so I guess I'll meet you there after right.
J-yep that's fine i will be waiting for you.
E-ik I'll only be a hour or so.
J-it's ok*he reply's wiping the coffee froth off of  the top of her nose,she giggles*
C-were still here you know
J/E-oh sorry*they both look down and blush*

Jakes pov-We had all just set up the tents by the lake and are now waiting for Erika by the campfire.There were 4 tents one for chance and Alex one for Anthony one for McKenzie and if it's ok with Erika one for us two.Mckenzie spoke to me about there conversation earlier and how I should make a bigger move on Erika because she really likes me,all I could do was I put fairy lights and made it all cute in our tent for after we go swimming in the tent later,almost like a date it's just not officially one.

so I put fairy lights and made it all cute in our tent for after we go swimming in the tent later,almost like a date it's just not officially one

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It looked like this with rose petals on the bed.

Erika's pov-I've been at the office talking through things and signing papers for about an hour and a half and I just got here to the lake.i walk over and see my friends all sat there on logs talking with tents around them.
E-hey guys how's it going
Erika laughs
J-better now.
She smiles and he gives her a cheeky wink.
C-come on we've been waiting to get in the water for sun set.
The boys all take there shirts off and jump in the lake with there boxers on.
M-come on erika
E-ok ok
They all take there clothes off and are in there bra and underwear.they join the boys in the warm water.
Erika's pov-I swim around and we all splash and laugh around for abit in the water untill jake shouts me over.
J-come here Rik*he opens his arms for a cuddle,she accepts and she rapped her legs around his torso in the water,they were staring in each overs eyes and talking*
J-how'd the contacts go
E-great I'm really excited to start doing shoots
J-well I think you'll do great
E-thankyou *she leans in and they give eachover little pecks over and over again for a couple of second*
M-guys look *she says catching everyone's attention and pointing to the sunset*(btw kade lives in la and has gone back there for a couple months to his dad)
E-it's beautiful.
J-I've seen prettier things *he says absolutely lost in here green lush eyes*
Everyone apart from jerika-awwww
They turned from there gaze
J-has anyone ever told you guys that you always ruin the moment
M-sooorrry anyway I'm going to dry off it's getting a bit chilli out
Everyone-yep lets go
The guys walk infront of the girls walking out the water.
A-hey erika look
Chance and Anthony pull Jakes boxers down so the girls could see his back side.
J-aaahh ffs sake you guys *he said pulling his boxers back up*
Everyone laughs
J-I know I'm thick but you don't need to rub it.
E-*giggles*ye work it jake
A-ye jake listen to the model
E-oh shut up *she smacks anthoys arm*
J-oh shut up *he says mocking her in a white girl voice*
Erika's pov-god I love these dick heads.

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