Chapter 4

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Erika's love-McKenzie handed me a vodka red bull and i nervously grabbed it from her hand and gave her a look implying that she has never had a drink before.
M-come on you'll be fine,let's go and have some fun.
I thought about it for a second and then walked with her to the dance floor thinking about how I should just have a good time like I said I would.
We dance and talk with a group of guys and girls for about 1 and a half hours and then A handsome boy came up to me and spoke
?-hey I'm Adam how's it going
E-Erika and good you
A-very good actually do u want another drink
E-I'm fine actually I'll finish this one first I say as I take a slight sip of my second drink that McKenzie had practically shoved down my throat.
A-yeah sure so do you want to dance? He asks
E-yeah lets go
This guy was being was being nice but had this sketchiness about him so I just kept abit of distance while dancing but as the music goes on he stands behind me and starts wrapping his arms around my waist I get abit uncomfortably and push his chest off of me and say to McKenzie
E-I'm just gonna get some air.
I say rushing outside to a bench on a patio
I was thinking was I over reacting by moving or should I have the right to do that I mean I need to find a boyfriend some be honest jake is really nice but I'm not saying I would date him because he probably doesn't even find me attractive let alone like me.speak of the devil I felt the bench jolt down abit and turn to see jake sat down looking sad and acting lathargic.
E-hey jake wats up I haven't seen you all night.
J-oh me and Anthony were outside in the garden house playing beer pong.
E-oh um are you ok?
J-yeah why wouldn't I be.
E-it's just I can tell when people are sad jake.
He sighed and I passed him the rest of my drink he took it drank a little and looked at me.
E-so speak to me what's up.. you can trust me Yano.
J-it's just sometimes I feel almost lonely I never really tell people these things and I can't really complain since you have had it worst but I just feel lonely and un loved most of the time like my parents never speak to me I haven't had a girlfriend since my ex that cheated on me with my brother so that just sums up our relationship,and I just got myself thinking that the only people that I have are my friends but that is not really what is love? (😉)
Erika's pov- as jake was explaining I was took back abit I never thought he was this much of an emotional guy and even how me and Jake are very simular in ways because I can't remember the last time someone loved me and took time out of there day to speak to me.but as he finished speaking I use my finger to lift his chin up he looks me in the eyes and I reply
E-honestly jake I didn't think we had this much in common.
We both giggle a little.
E-like I used to wake up in the morning just keeping that little bit of hope that things would change and that my parents would magically come back to life but it all happens for a reason and I don't remember what love is either to be honest, it takes up a lot of my thoughts but just know that I am always here to listen
Jake still looking into my eyes let out a small smile and opened his arms out leading me into a hug.we sat there for a couple seconds in silence untill I pull back and Jake says.
J-thankyou erika and just to let you know you are the strongest women I have ever met my life has been not nearly as hard as yours.
E-hey it just dipends on how you look at things.
Just then Anthony walked out the door with McKenzie in his and Jake broke our gaze and laughed at how the emotional conversation turned into a paraletic McKenzie.
A-don't just laugh help me
Jake walks over and puts one of Mckenzie's arms around his neck.
I stand up and walk with them to the taxi we sat down with Jake in the front with the driver me on the left in the back then McKenzie then Anthony.mckenzie lays her head on erika's lap and began saying stupid stuff.
M-(whispering)hey Erika what were you and Jake doing outside in the sunshine.(it was obviously dark)
E- I giggled and then said you know just chatting.
M-are you sure
E-yes I'm sure
M-are you sure your sure you sure
E- yes mckenzie more sure than ever
M-okay just know that I know you two are definitely finna smash.(still whispering)
E-WHAT NO!erika said not shouting but loud enough for the boys to hear they turned around and looked at me.
A-everything ok?
E-it's perfect now mckenzie Mable go to sleep a little
M-okay mom she said shutting her eyes 30 seconds later mckenzie said still with her eyes closed
M-love you rik...she spoke yawning a little at the end
E-I love you to Kenz... jake turned round and gave me a warm smile that put me in an amazing mood untill we got home and went to bed around 4am.
Hope you enjoyed. Xx

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