Chapter 6: Hanging Out???

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💜 Continuation 💜
Y|N's Pov:
"Y-yoongi?." I said while looking at him blankly.
~Is he going to scold me again?.
"Get dress, were going out."
"W-what?!, I-i thought."
"Get dressed or else we're not going."
~What was that? We're going out?
I shut the door against him and run to my closet to find something to wear.
~Ahh, what should I wear?
I tried a lot of pair of clothes and it took me almost 15minutes.
~Wait, Y|N. You're just going out why can't you decide that to wear?
*sighs* ~Calm down Y|N, its not a date. You're just going out.
Lastly, I picked out a simple maroon dress and a red Converse shoes I combed my hair, put a little make up on my face, then i picked up a little bag my dad  gave me, and Opened the door...
"Y-Yoongi?." I said against the door of his room.
"Wait up, I'm almost done." His response
"I'll wait you on the garden." I said as I walk outside to wait for him.
~Aissh, if I didn't mistaken, I knew girls uses even more time to prepare they're selves going out, and then there's Yoongi -_- He's using even more time preparing than me?
I just looked around, suddenly I saw a kitten.
I love cats, especially kittens. I tried to reach out with the kitten but seems like the kitten was ignoring me and hissing at me
~Ayy? Didn't you like me? You know what, you looked like the man I knew, always cold and mad for no reason.
I tried to hold again the kitten, and finally it stops hissing at me and let me hold his paws
~Ah~ Kyeo~ you're really like him, huh? That guy that hollow man, you two are really cold but you're different because now you let me hold you
Suddenly the kitten saw a person walking towards me and he get off to my hands to run to the man, maybe that's the kitten's care taker. As the man continued walking, the kitten jumped on his knees, he went down and carried the kitten with his hands, the kitten seems might really closed to him.
As the man, going on my direction I saw an unfamiliar face. I wonder who is he. And then he finally reached my position.
"Hi beautiful lady." The boy greeted.
"Uh, hi? Haha sorry I didn't knew that kitten was yours."
"No,actually its not mine." *laughs a bit*
"Eh? B-but why does he get so closed to you?, when I tried to hold him at first, he was hissing at me. Hehe."
He cringed.
"Haha, that's normal with kittens, that's their way of protecting themselves while they're mom was not around, and maybe your approach was not right."
"Ah, I get it now. Thanks?."
"Jimin, I'm Park Jimin." *smiles*
"Ah, Thanks Jimin. Seems you knew a lot when it comes with cats huh?."
"Haha, yeah I'm a cat lover." *scratches the back of his head*
"Wow! That's nice! I'm also a cat lover, but then I didn't knew much about cats because my dad didn't let me to have one."
"Oh that's why, anyways nice to meet you?."
"Y|N, Y|N+Surname that's my name."
"Hmm, nice name Y|N."
"Haha thanks."
Suddenly a familiar voice spoke.
"Jimin-ah, what are you doing here?"
"Hyungnim!!!." *runs and hugs Yoongi*
Eventually, Yoongi still not responding even if Jimin was already hugging him, he's like a dead person.
"I said, what are you doing here?."
*pulls from hug* "Aissh, Hyung I just missed you!."
"What the, I'm fine okay."
"Haha my Hyungnim don't be mad at me, I'm just checking you."
"I'm busy okay?."
"Hyung? School is over, yet you're busy?."
"Okay fine, I'm busy having a vacation. Happy?."
"Then I'll join! Okay so there's a party later in our house, and I'm inviting you."
"And do you think I'll come?."
"Oh, come on Hyung! The others are there also, the party would be incomplete if you didn't came."
"I said no."
"Please?, please Hyung! I'll do anything you want. Just go to the party."
"You're doing anything?."
"Yes Hyung, promise."
"Okay fine, I'll think of it."
"Okay Hyung *sighs* text me if your going."
OK so, I was just watching over them while they're talking, I already look like a tree here. I was about to go inside when suddenly Jimin talked.
"Wait! Uh. Y|N, I just wanted to invite you also to the party tonight here's the ad,---."
"You don't need to give her the address."
"Huh? Why Hyung don't tell me sh--."
"She's not my girlfriend, she just lived here because our fathers were business partners."
"Oh..I thought, she's----."
"She's my friend, anyways you know her already right?."
~Oh, he told Jimin that I'm his friend, wow huh
"Yes Hyung, we just met today, hehe so she's also going?."
"She is."
~What? He made an decision again without asking my opinion? Okay fine anyways I wanna go out on a party, so continue. Hehe
"Wow, that's great! The more the marrier! See ya' later hyung and Y|N."
"See you later Jimin! Thanks again." I said as I waved good bye, and  turned my gaze on Yoongi.
"So? Were not going out anymore?." I said as He winked cutely
~Ahh, he's so cute when he winks...
"We're still going, since the party would be held at 9pm."
"Huh? How did you know? As far as I know Jimin didn't told you the exact time of the party."
I ask confused and he suddenly step closer to me.
"I'm not a type of person who'll do an action without even thinking of it *leans close and whispers* Unlike the others."
~What the heck? Is he reminding me of what I did when I got drunk?
I rolled my eyes and say, "Fine, let's go."
After saying that, I saw him cringed. And I knew that maybe the only way making him happy is me being an idiot "Idiot girl" should I say. After that i followed him as he lead me through one of their sports car.
"You know how to drive?." I said impressed. Thinking that he knew how to drive a car.
"Of course " he said, looks really proud. While me, I was about to opened my mouth in an impressed expression.
"Wooa--." He cut me.
~Ok, is this hollow man Fooling me?
I emediately looked at him confused. He laughed at me in such a coward laugh showing his gummy smile. I roled my eyes in disappointment.
"Oh? Idiot girl, are you mad now?."
"Hey hollow man, you're fooling me!." *Pouts*
"Stop pouting." He said in a serious tone.
"Haha, do i look cu-- "
"You look ugly."
~Eh? What the heck? Look ugly huh?
"Fine." I said in such a pissed tone.
~Does this hollow man is literally pissing me off so I'll get over him? Duh' I'm not gonna give up!
"Let's go then." He said as we both enter the car. Suddenly a driver came to drive the car for us.
"Sir? Where we should go?." The driver asked while hooking a seat belt.
"To that place." Yoongi answered.
"Copy Sir." The driver nodded he started driving the car.
"To that place?, To where Yoongi?." I asked him.
"Just wait you idiot girl. You didn't knew Daegu, So technically even if I told you the name of the place you don't know it. You'll still wonder."
"Ugh fine." I said, as he puts his earphone and listened to some music. I laid my head against the window and looked at the environment of Daegu. As always, i'm still inlove with it. Every street, every road and every house were passing by i can feel that Daegu is the place I wanna lived when I had my own family. For me, Daegu is a place you can unwind and be peaceful.
Time passes by and i didn't knew that I fell asleep....
Author's POv:
As Y|N woke up she saw that the car was already stopped and she and the driver were only left at the car. She was worried why does Yoongi left her so she asked the driver
"W-where i-is Y-yoongi?"
"Oh, Mam your awake. Sir Yoongi already got outside, you can follow him."
"Ah, Yeah I'll go now." Y|N said as she opened the door and saw where she was. She was so shocked, as she looked around she saw a familiar figure going on her direction. It was Yoongi.
"Oh? You're awake?."
"Why are we here at the cemetery?."
"I just, I just need to visit someone and this place was so peaceful and quiet so I preferred hang out here."
"Eh? Okay." Y|N nodded and suddenly Yoongi hold her hand and pull her for a run. Until they reached the burial place of a person named. Saweol Min.... Y|N was sticky staring at Yoongi wondering why they're there and who's the person burried on the place they were standing. Yoongi kneel down as he set up an candle and placed some flowers...
Yoongi's POV:
On my mind:
"Mom, the girl who was standing beside me is Y|N. She's pretty and simple, right mom? Mom I missed you I wish you here but. You're gone. *tears fell* Mom you know what, I like Y|N because she's really like you, but I can't tell her mom, I didn't wanna happened to her what happened to me and Yeon Soo... I said as I stood up wiping my tears and there's Y|N. Until now she's confused, so I decided to tell her why were here.
" Y|N, the reason were here because I wanted to visit my mom."
*Shookt* "Oh, I u-understand."
"Lets stay here for a while. Is it okay?."
She smiled and nodded in response.
I sat down along my mom's burial place as she did the same thing.
Y|N's Pov:
So we're here, at the cemetery. Yet I'm happy because at least I knew Yoongi loves his mom. This lifts me up that I should not give up with him. With his cold attitude tho.  We stayed at the cemetery. And staying quiet and silent suddenly he talked.
"Maybe you've been bored here."
"No its fine here. It's peaceful and quiet."
He nodded.
*sighs* "You know what, my mom died because of me."
~Eh? What's this happening? Is he opening up with me?
"Uh. W-why?."
"B-because, i-i didn't l-listen t-to h-her." *tears fell*
~Shocks, I don't know what to do.
"Uh Y-yoongi." *Gave an handkerchief*
*Gets it* "T-thanks." *starts to cry*
"Yah, its ok." *leans closer* h-here, my shoulder is free to cry on, no payments. You can lean here for free."
*leans on my shoulder and cries*
~Ok so, everything is so unbelievable right now. First, he opened up and now he leans on my shoulder?
We stayed like that for almost 30 minutes without moving or doing extra activities until we decided to go. We both stood up as he hugged me...
"Idiot. I didn't knew you could helped me, thanks."
"Uhm o-okay."
"Let's go home now, we'll attend the party later." *smiles*
I nodded as he hold my hand as we both enter the car. To be honest, I'm extremely confused right now he's totally acting weird. At first I knew that he didn't liked me. But now the situation turned up side down is does this mean he accepted me already? Were friends?
              ~To be continued

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