Chapter 7: Meet the Squad

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We finally reached home~
"Fix yourself for the party later." He said.
"Yah, okay."
I ran upstairs as i took another clothes to wear. To make it fast, I just took a purple skirt matching a grey crop top and a black jacket still wearing my favorite converse shoes. After I finished, I looked at myself in the mirror.
~Yah, Y|N. Its your very first time to attend an party....Huhu i'm nervous, I've never been on a parties before. *sighs* ok calm down, you'll be good later inhale....Exhale....
Suddenly I heard a knock.
"Y|N, lets go."
"Huh? Its too early. You said the party starts at 9pm right?."
"Yah, but i prefer us to come early so we can go home early too as soon as possible."
"Ah, okay I'm coming."
"I'll wait you outside."
I stood up and come outside till I reached the Garage where Yoongi is.
~Wah, he looks good...1.2.3.bam!
Wait wait what's this Y|N? Are you admiring him?
Ok wtf.-_- i'm just telling the truth. I didn't knew even if her wore a simple outfit he looks so damn good. He's wearing all black, that more the way he looks so pale, wait *looks at his shoes* What? We had a same shoes?  Does he liked converse too?
"Idiot, stop staring at me." He said, as he noticed me looking at him.
"Such hollow man I'm not staring at you."
"Then what are you doing?."
"Aissh, I knew it. Don't worry, I know I'm too attractive."
~Ok so, does this guy still mentally stable?
"Psh, lets just go."
I said, and we both enter the car. As usual the driver drove us
After 20minutes~
down to a such big house. Maybe it's the house of Jimin I guess. That cute cat lover guy...
"Sir, Mam, were here." The driver politely said. Then there's Yoongi '_' he just stood up and go outside without even waiting or helping me to go outside the car.
~Wow, just wow °_°
Eventually I stood up by my fucking self and gave him a pissed of look and he asked me like an innocent devil.
"Lets just go." *rolled eyes*
I said, as we both enter the house. Surprisely Hoseok see's us.
"Wahh! Y|N? Hyung?." Yoongi just nodded.
"I'm Glad you guys were here.
"Oh, its nice to see you Hoseok." I said, and he smiled cheerfully and hugged me.
~Ahh, this man is so sweet.
"Lets go, the others were already waiting for you two."
Me and Yoongi followed him until we reached the living room where the party was held. As we enter, I saw a 5 unfamiliar faces plus there's also Jimin smiling he saw me.
"Who is she?." The boy asked while preparing the foods.
"Hey, beautiful. I'm glad to see you." The other guy told me and giving me a sweet smile with his dimples shown deep.
"Hmm? Are you my new Playmate?." While this guy examining my face. And showed his cute boxy smile.
The others were also about to ask me but Yoongi spoke to them.
"Yah, stop asking. You guys were creeping her around. Anyways She's Y|N my friend."
"And my friend!." Hoseok exclaimed.
"Yeah, I met her this morning so i also invited her." Jimin explained. And they just all nodded. So I started it by introducing myself.
"H-hi...I'm Y|N+Y|S=(Surname) i'm Yoongi's friend and uh. The reason why I'm here in Daegu is. My dad and his dad we're business partners, so my dad decided us to live in their house." *smiles*
"Oh, we understand. Anyways i'm Kim Namjoon, call me Rm. Nice to meet you Y|N." *smiles*
The dimple guy said.
"Wah, were happy to meet you Y|N, i'm Kim SeokJin. Just call me Jin,i'm the oldest among them." He said as he finished arranging the foods.
"Yah!Yah! Can you be my playmate? Please?." *boxy smile*
"Uh. Yeah who are you?."
"Oh, eh I forgot! I'm V!!!! Kim taehyung? Taehyung Kim?." *smiles wide*
"Haha yeah. Nice to meet you V." I smiled back.
And all of a sudden I noticed a boy standing beside Yoongi. Seems he has a same attitude with Yoongi. He's not even giving me ang glare or any expression. So I decided to reach out for him thinking that he's a bit different with Yoongi.
"Hi?." I said.
"Oh. Yeah Yah, haha uh...i-im J-Jungkook." *shyly bunny smile*
~Ok.... That's cute. °∆°"
"Haha. Nice to meet you. I'm Y|N."
Rm: "So? Now that you already met our squad shall we start the party?."
Hoseok: "Yeah! Lets start the party!!!
V,Jimin,Jin: *claps hands* "Wohoo!!!! party!!."
They were all seemed happy, exept to my pale hollow man Yoongi who were just already starting to eat...
Jin: "So, lets eat now? I know you guys were hungry.
Me: "haha yeah, seems like Yoongi was already eating." *laughs*
And they we're all looking at Yoongi. But then Yoongi just don't care and continued eating. Suddenly Jimin whispers to me.
"Uh, never thought I'll say this but. I'm happy your here Y|N."
"Uh yeah, i'm also glad to be here thanks for inviting me."
We all had fun through the party. Exept Yoongi, I guess. We ate, we had games and now they were all drinking, exept me. Because I don't wanna drink anymore, but luckily they agreed on me. So now we're here on the last game, and the only one who's not drunk is me...
Rm: ."Yeah! Lets start the last game!."
Jin: ."Yeah, yeah,!!! What game should we do?."
Jimin: "Uh. V?."
V: hmm...*thinks deep* "Ah! I know something
Hoseok: ."Yah, What is it?."
V: "Truth or dare!."
All, exept Yoongi staying silent but drunk: "Yeah! That's great!."
Me: "So, lets start now?."
I said, as Yoongi placed a bottle at the center of the table.
~Wow? His actions were surprising
Rm: "Okay okay, I'll be the one will spin the bottle." *spins the bottle*
After few seconds.
It stops and pointed at Jimin.
Jimin: "Oh. Uh.."
Rm: ."So? Truth? or dare?."
Jimin: "Okay truth."
Rm: "Okay, Jin Hyung. Ask him."
Jin: oke. *sobs* "W-what d-do y-you think a-about Y-yoongi's f-friend."?
~Huh? Me?
Jimin: ."Okay, about Y|N. *gulps* Y|N. Uh even from the first time I saw her, I saw something different on her, she's a lovely person and she's kind. That's it."
~Wow, how soft this guy.
Jin: "Wahh, okay okay!!! Next spin!."
Rm spinned again....
After another few seconds.
The bottle pointed at Yoongi.
Rm: "Hmm Hyungnim? Truth or dare?."
Yoongi: "Dare."
~Wow, he choose dare? Huh' Good luck hollow man
Jin: "Ehem! *clears throat* I dare you to kiss Y|N."
~Wait! Me?! Wtf! *panicking*
Yoongi widen her eyes in shookt. And looked at Jin.
Jin: "kiss Y|N, on cheeks. Just a friendly kiss you know."
~Ok, someone. Please help me get out of this situation. Please °/\°
I looked at Yoongi, expecting him to ignore the dare and ask another. But then shit, I was fucking wrong. He nodded drunk and leans closer to me. As he was closer on my cheeks, I closed my eyes and he stopped at that moment...
°~° after 5 seconds °~°
I saw the other members were already sleeping, me and Yoongi were only at that moment. So I took the opportunity to get out through the situation, so I stood up fast but then he pulled my hand and then BAM!!!! He kissed my lips!!!!!
I was froze at that moment still the drunk Yoongi was still kissing me. Seems like his lips were stick on mine. I can taste the lots of Soju he drunk then shit I realize it was wrong and so I tried my best to remove the kiss but he hugged me tight.
~God, what to do now?
I murmured at his kiss and luckily he decided to remove it.
Me: *breathing heavily* "W-Wtf! Y-Yoongi!!!."
Yoongi: *sobs* "i-im s-sorry. "
Me: "Aissh how dare you hollow Man!."
I shouted, then I saw the other members were moving a bit from they're sleep so I stayed silent. I rush outside to go out but. I knew it was already 3:30 am. It's dangerous if I go home by myself. So I just find a room at their house and sleep there.
~Psh, how dare that hollow man to kiss me?
I said as a tears fell on my cheeks. Maybe I was shocked of what happened that was my first kiss. I can't believe my first kiss was stole by an hollow man like him!!!. I cried all night until I fell asleep
~To be Continued ~
No comment -__-  haha sorry for such  late update guys, well I hope you still liked the story and uh. I made some changes on it to make it easier to read. That's all love you!!!!😉💜

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