Chapter 12: Mitch's POV

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I smash my phone against the ground and run my hands through my hair and then over my face.

"Ayra I'm sorry" I mutter to myself, knowing this is my fault.

I shouldn't have got her into this world of mine, she's a target, even more then what she was before.

I get up and crack my back, grabbing a protein bar and eating it, needing a lot of energy to save my girl.

I look on my laptop at the tracker I placed on her phone in case something like this happened. I track it down to a small location on the outskirts off America, i grit my teeth and grab my weapons.

I run out to my car and get in speeding to the unknown location, anger fills my body like water filling a cup.

I glance at the GPS seeing how close I am every minute.


I park a block away from the building and grab my machine gun out and place the pistol in the waistband of my jeans as I crouch and sneakily make my way round to the back.

I place the strap of the machine gun over my shoulder as I grab the knife from my back pocket and sneak up on one of the guards and slit his neck, dragging him under the patio off the house as I drive the knife through his eyes.

I move through the bottom off the house kicking down a few things to get past, but doing it quietly in case anyone can hear. I look up and see a trap door, I press my ear to the wood to listen out for anyone.

When I receive no noise in return I open it slowly and peak my head up, searching my surroundings as I slowly climb out, onto the bottom layer off the house.

As I look behind me I bump into someone, my eyes widen and as he goes to shout and pull his gun out I press the life into his chest and follow it through to his heart, covering his mouth to quieten the pain shouts.

I shove him into a cupboard and shut the door quietly and exhale a deep breath. As I take another step the floorboard creaks beneath me, making me wince at the noise and automatically hiding in the sam closet as the man I just killed as I feel his blood, seeping through my shirt from the back.

I hear people outside the door and I cover my mouth so I stay quiet.

"What was that noise?" A man shouts with a deep voice.

"I guess it was one of the guards" another says.

"Fine, just make sure it doesn't happen again, the princess is tied up naked, waiting for me" He smirks as I grit my teeth and let my emotions get the better off me.

I storm out of the closet and grab my machine gun, shooting up the place.

I walk into each room, making sure they're all dead as I hear some running upstairs and once I've cleared out the bottom floor, I throw the gun to the floor as it's out of ammo and grab my pistol from my back pocket and shot each that I pass in the head as I clear out the top floor except one room where I hear crying coming from.

My vision goes red my anger as I kick the door in and the door flies off the hinges and crashes to the floor as I see Ayra tied to the bed, naked, beaten and hurt as I see a tanned man above her naked and ready to rape her.

I sprint over and slam him against the wall and bash the back of his head off of it and punch him, "don't fucking touch my girl" I shout and spit in his face as I grab the knife and cut off his private area, making him scream out in pain and go to hit me as I push him to the floor and stand on his chest, grabbing what I just cut off and shoving it in his mouth and shooting a bullet between his eyes.

I rush over to Ayra and untie her as she cries, and I hold her in my arms and kiss the side of her head, "it's okay princess, I'm here now" I coo.

"I didn't think you'd come" she sobs and clutches onto my shirt, my heart breaking at the sight of her like this.

"I'd never leave you behind, I'll love you forever and always" I tell her and kiss her.

She smiles slightly and kiss me back, "forever and always"

I hand her my jacket to put on as her tops ripped and I find her shorts and hand them to her as I help her pull them on, once she's changed I wrap the cut on her thigh and hip up and pick her up bridal style and jog out with her in my arms, keeping my pistol in one hand just in case.

As i rush us to the car we get ambushed and i prop her up against a tree, "wait here" i whispers and kiss her forehead, standing back up and shooting each one on the head and throwing my knife at one, hitting him in the chest, as I've run out of bullets, I pick her back up and place her in the car, buckling her up and grabbing a blanket from the back and placing it over her.

I run round to my side and jump in, speeding away as quick as possible as I glance over at her every so often to make sure she's okay, smiling once I see her fast asleep.


Authors note; I am so sorry I haven't updated in ages, I've been so busy with school and that, if I don't update this then check out my profile, I've just uploaded three different stories so they'll be updated if this isn't, thank you and I hope you enjoyed x

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