Seth Goes Missing.

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"Lily! Lily!" Tyler ran up to me as I walked to school.

"What?" He held a book out in front of me.

"This." I flicked through the pages, my eyes going wide.

"Where did you get this?" I said closing the book.

"Margret's house."

"You went to her house?" I quietly shouted, hitting Tyler with the book.

"Geez! Don't worry I didn't go alone, your boyfriend came with me." Tyler took the book, quietly laughing.


"Seth," He sighed, putting the book into his bag. I felt my face go red.

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"Well, he likes you. And, judging by how embarrassed you look, you like him too."

"I don't--"

"Fine. But he likes you."

"How do you know?" Tyler rolled his eyes.

"I'm his best friend. He told me you guys nearly kissed." I felt my face go even redder and I continued to walk in silence until we got to school.


"Where is Seth anyway?" I asked, turning to Tyler.

"I slept at his house but I left before his parents woke up. He might have just slept in." Tyler didn't seem worried at all, like this happened everyday.

"Does he normally sleep in?"

"Well, no," I sighed at his response, "But we were up pretty late going through the stuff from Margret's house."

"You took more than the book?"

"Well, she basically told me to go to her house."

"And you talked to her?"

"What's up with you today? You're acting like I killed your cat or something."

"Nothing, I'm just worried about Seth." I crossed my arms, looking onto the street hoping to see Seth walking down.

"Seth's tough. You don't need to worry about him."

"Was Jaxon tough?" Tyler's face turned a little angry but quickly turned back to normal.

"No, actually," He continued walking and I followed.


We had another assembly today. The police came in and before anyone started talking they assured us they hadn't found another body but,

"Seth Parker hasn't been seen since yesterday at his house. If anyone knows where he is, I'm sure his family would appreciate you coming forward--"

"How do you know he's not dead?" Some kid in the back shouted. Tyler kept his eyes on the police officer.

"We don't. But, hopefully, we can find him before anything happens."


Assembly finished and Tyler walked out, heading straight for the exit. "Tyler wait!" I shouted, running after him.


"I'm coming with you." Tyler stopped and turned around to face me, his eyes scanning my face.


"He's my friend too." Tyler looked at me for a few more seconds, then nodded and started walking again. I followed him.

I really hope he knew where he was going because I was following him. If Seth was dead, it would crush Tyler. They'd known each other for seven years and they'd been through a lot together.

I can't deny I didn't care about Seth too. He was really cool and we got along really well. I'm not going to pretend I know him as well as Tyler, because I don't, but I'm not going to lie and say I'm not his friend, because I am. Hopefully we could find him before anything happened, if we weren't too late.


SETH'S NOT DEAD! Don't worry this is just the only way I could think of that lead into the next part and add more to the story.

Short part, I know. The next one will be longer to make up for this one being so short.

Hope you liked it, apart from Seth going missing.

C'ya! xx

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