Unexpected Reunion (2)

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Author's POV

"Wait.." Alice shouted .." Prosecutor Brian??, You mean, you were someone who had helped me? Alice began to wonder.

"Do you remember me the plans we made?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, I remember, it's nice to meet you again," Alice smiled.

James was relieved after breaking up with Alice and leaving immediately. He then called Karen to meet him at a cafe. Arriving at the cafe, James happily treats Karen.

"Hello sir, what do you want to order?" asked the employee there.

"One caramel frappucino and Americano."

"On behalf of?"

"James and Karen."

"All right, one caramel frappucino in Karen's name and one Americano on James's name. Is that all?"

"Yes,that's it, thank you."

After receiving their order, they sat in a corner chatting. James excitedly told Karen everything.

"Kar .. i have something I want to say to you .. and you must be shocked after hearing it."

"What? What's up?" she asked curiously.

"You know my co-worker, whom I often tell you?"
Her name is Alice, your old friend Kar ..., remember who used to quit school for some reason"

"Yeah .. then how can you know that you are friends? it's been a few years since it happened." said Karen.

"So this way, me and the Alice broke up and she told me about her past with a man named James, and then suddenly Brian's the prosecutor appeared, and he was our friend, Brian, who was very close to Alice after i broke up with her." James said with a laugh.

"Maybe this is your destiny three of you will meet again."karen laughed .

A moment later, the door opened, and James and Karen looked at the door. Apparently it was Alice and Brian. James and Karen were shocked and packed all their stuff straight away and tried to get out of the cafe.At arrival at the door, karen accidentally dropped someone else's drink, and it attracted everyone's attention.

"Karen, James" Alice looked at them in surprise to see James with Karen.

"We're caught, sorry," she whispered to James.

"Hey, my coffee.." shouted the people there.

"Sorry for my carelessness, I ' ll buy a new one for you."

Karen walked to the cashier and ordered the coffee requesting, apologizing for dropping the glass, and claiming that he would pay for it, but James came over and said he would pay for it. at that, Alice grabbed her hand and hugged her.

"Because we meet here, let's talk, it's nice to meet you again, Kar."

Alice said with a smile. The four of them run to an empty place.

"So now you two are dating?" "umm .. not really .."

"Yeah, we're dating." Connect James.

"James ?!" Karen shouted.

"It does not matter Karen, I know everything."

"But, how?"

"Jennifer said it to me, do not be angry at Jennifer, she's innocent, and also why she's dating if you're dating, it's your relationship, who's banned, I just want to say, let's be friends like we used to.
I do not want any hostility between us all "Alice said.

"Why? Are you jealous? "James continued.

"stop it James, peace, let's be friends like we used to be.

"So Karen. How can you guys be in a relationship? Can I tell you? "Brian said shyly as he scratched his head.

"You are boss." Alice replied.

Everyone laughed, and then they parted, James left with Karen while Brian left with Alice.They walked, at Alice's house, where they parted again.

"Aah .. finally."

Alice's POV
I went upstairs to the room and opened the window to make the fresh air.I saw nothing for not wearing glasses.A moment later, I closed the window and rushed to the supermarket to buy some foods.

Author's POV
After James dropped Karen in her house, he goes to Alice's home to take something. Once he arrived at Alice's home, he try to open the door, wondering if Alice have changed her room code. He did it in his first try. He then opened the door and get in. Once he get in, someone from the back hold the door. James looks back and the guy stab him in his chest. James then fell into the floor and the guy ran away.

Alice's POV
On the way home, I met someone who was dressed very darkly, riding a bicycle whistling.once i arrived at home, before turning on the lamp I tripped and fell and then immediately opened the lights and was surprised to see my clothes and hands covered with blood and saw someone on the floor It was James, I picked up my phone and called the police while waiting for the police I sat in the corner of my room scared . Finally the police came and took me to the police station to explain what had happened. In the middle of the explanation, Karen arrives at the police station and yells that I killed James. Without any clear evidence, I was locked in. Brian then approached me. "How can you be like this?" "I was accused of being Brian's killer." I replied frightened. I told him everything but he could not believe it, because he was a prosecutor who had to look for evidence clearly. He was on the alert to help me. But if he wants to help me get away, he will be fired by the chief prosecutor and work as a lawyer. In court he tried to win it, but in the end, he said that he did not punish me for not enough evidence so he was fired by the chief prosecutor. I feel very grateful but also feel guilty for him. Then I approached him and thanked him. "I do not think I should be anywhere near you because it will trouble you, let's split up here." I say because I feel guilty.

Author's POV
But Brian can not let that happen. He's trying to find the culprit. Then he went again to the place where James was put in, to re-observe. After a few days, several more murders arose, and the case was exactly the same as the case of James's murder. The man who is killed is the most famous chef in the world. At that moment, Brian opened a firm and gathered his friends to join him. Brian also invites Alice to join his firm. At first, Alice did not want to join him for fear of upsetting Brian. Finally, Alice agrees and joins his firm.

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