𝒊𝒊𝒊. weight of the world

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weight of the 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅

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weight of the 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 ...

THE NIGHT SKY had arisen with a company of stars. The extensive twilight seemed to stretch on for miles, veiling the mysteries of the Maze under it's heaviness.

Ria was finishing her dinner, spearing a slice of cucumber with her fork. The atmosphere was high spirited, boys joking and exchanging tales over steaming plates of Frypan's cooking. Under the glow of torchlight, Ria had tried to stay as invisible and silent as possible. Unease was still settled in her stomach, churning painfully whenever she caught someone's eye. Her solitary had worked until she gained unexpected company from a boy named Chuck. He had bouncy, chocolate brown hair and the most innocent eyes. The boy had acted extremely welcoming towards her and she took an instantaneous liking towards the youthful Glader.

"So, once we've finished dinner, we usually head over to Homestead to sleep." Chuck explained with a mouthful of pork.

Ria nodded thoughtfully. "Newt said something about that earlier."

"You'll be lucky if you're not sleeping in a room next to Newt, he snores super loudly." Chuck giggled as he stood, stacking Ria's empty plate atop of his own. She warmed at his kindness.

Homestead was a large wooden structure situated in the north—west corner of the Glade. Constructed of long sticks and branches, they interwove tightly to create the sizeable sleeping area for the boys. Hammocks swung gently to and fro as some boys lay peacefully within them, huddled or sprawled under their thin blankets. Ablaze torches hung on the walls, mellow light spilling from the flames to battle the darkness.

Although Homestead looked relatively secure, Ria was afraid that she would have to sleep with all the strange boys around her and countless, terrifying scenarios played within her mind. She began to feel anxious, palms sweating as she curled her fists closed.

"Chuck ... I'm not going to sleep here. Am I?" she asked the boy tentatively, gesturing to the huddle of hammocks.

Chuck stopped in his tracks, turning to face Ria with a look of earnest. "No! Alby said it would be um ... awkward for you to be sleeping with us boys. You've got a room of your own."

At this, Ria let out a breath of relief she didn't know she'd been holding.

"Thank God," she managed a smile which seemed to please Chuck.

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