Chapter 19: The Fall Of Evil

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 Mal's eyes welled with tears as her mother held her closely while Fairy god mother and some guards went towards Evie. Everything moved in slow motion as if this were just a dream, and just as quick as it happened it was over. Mal looked up at her mother, her eyes red and puffy from the tears that still ran down her pale face she so badly wanted to say something, to let Maleficent know she didn't blame her for the childhood she was given but no words escaped her mouth. Maleficent simply rubbed her daughters back as she shielded her from the scene that was around her, The Fairy watched as Evie was placed on a stretcher and rushed off to the hospital by Adam and some guards. Fairy godmother stepped closer to the girl and the dark fairy and cleared her throat as she gazed at the two.

"Yes... I understand.." Maleficent said quietly before pulling Mal away from her and holding her firmly by the shoulders, her eyes were void of emotion but somewhere deep inside Mal saw the pain her mother felt. "Mal, I have to go... I can't go into details but I am needed and I---"

"You can't leave me mother, please.... don't do this.. don't leave me alone" Mal felt as if her heart was receiving one blow after another, and it was painful. Maleficent stood up and patted her daughter's head lightly before turning to walk away, Mal took her chance and grabbed onto her mother's cape tightly. Her eyes pleading with the woman to stay with her, she was pushed back lightly as Maleficent swung her cape around her as she very quickly flew off in a green mist like smoke.

"Let me take you back to the hospital Mal, you need to be looked over as well and I---"

"No. I want to be alone..."

"Mal, I really don't think you should be alone at a time like this..."

Mal spun around to face the woman, her eyes flashing a deep green and her fists clenched "I don't care what you think... Leave me ALONE!"

Fairy godmother was taken aback by the young girls emotions but nodded her head nonetheless before making her way back to the hospital, she felt terrible for leaving her but Mal needed the space and it wouldn't do any good to be there. Once Mal was alone she fell to her knees and looked at her hands, they were bloody, dirty and cracked but that wasn't what she was looking at. Her eyes were on the small ring that was underneath her beast ring that Ben had given her, the smaller ring was simple.. made out of some blue and purple twine and engraved with the word BFF. Mal's eyes filled once again as she looked at the little trinket, Evie had made it for her on her twelfth birthday and she wore it everyday with pride.

"I'm sorry Evie.. I am so Sorry, I'm---"

"Well,Well....look who is all by themselves.."

Before Mal could respond she was thrown against one of the pillars of the castle by a powerful force, she gripped her head as little droplets of blood began to fall to the stone floor. "Grimhilde....but how, I thought Evie..."

"what dear, you thought Evie killed me?" Grimhilde cackled loudly as Mal glared at the woman, there was no way she was going to let her win. Mal stood up shakily her eyes glowing a bright sickening green as she took a step forward,

"this ends now, once and for all... I will not stop until justice is served"

Grimhilde looked at the girl and smirked before stepping into the center of the tower and holding her hands up into the sky, a dark green mist emitted from the witches palm and shot up towards the sky. The clouds became thick and dark as lightening struck trees lighting them on fire and thunder rumbled the ground all around Auradon but Mal stood strong and firm she knew she had to stop this storm from destroying Auradon, she looked around glancing up at the cracked tower that was just above Grimhilde and smirked before shifting herself into a dragon. Grimhilde didn't seem to notice as she sent strong winds and pouring rain throughout the kingdom, Mal braced herself as the wind and rain pelted her scales as she walked towards the tower. Mal glanced at Grimhilde and with one swift movement her tail smacked the side of the tower sending it crashing down on top of the Witch. Grimhilde screamed out as the rubble crushed her and then there was only the sound of the pouring rain as Mal shifted back from Dragon to human, she fell to her knees as she looked up at the sky wondering how to stop this storm. She felt completely drained and didn't have anymore energy left, she closed her eyes for a moment and reopened them to see Grimhilde rise from the rubble with a look of rage on her face. She came flying towards Mal with a dagger pointed at the young girl but she was cut off by something very dark and fast that tackled the witch to the ground. Mal gasped as she realized what was happening "the storm won't stop until Grimhilde is dead..." Mal said quietly to herself as she stood up. Thats when she saw what was happening, Grimhilde had been attacked by someone Mal never thought would help her. The Witch was standing over the person's body with a bloody glowing dagger in her hand, Mal's eyes glanced down at the body and then back at Grimhilde..

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