Chapter 22: Broken Pieces

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 Mal laid in the hospital bed staring blankly at the ceiling above her, since she found out about her mother and best friend she hadn't spoken or felt anything except for a numbness inside. Aurora and Leah had come by countless times but all Mal would do was brush them off and pretend to be asleep, she just wanted to disappear. Soon she fell asleep for real and found herself in a long dark hallway, as she walked slowly a small voice called out to her it sounded hurt and scared and so Mal ran towards the sound until she was surrounded by darkness.

"Mal? Mal help me!"

Mal looked all around her with tears in her eyes "Evie...where are you" She was met with silence as a dark shadow loomed above her causing her to fall backwards.

"tsk tsk tsk, poor Mal.. couldn't save her best friend or her own mother!" Suddenly the room lit up revealing Grimhilde and Maleficent who laid lifeless at the witches feet. Mal looked at the woman with tears streaming down her face,

"No, I killed you! Your dead.. Evie's safe and my m.mother s.she's"

"Dead..." the Evil Queen laughed as she seemed to grow larger then the small purple haired girl, suddenly Mal's wrists and ankles were shackled again and the room around her began to fill with water. Mal's eyes widened with fear as the water rose quickly around her,

"I did my best!" Mal screamed as the water went over her head, causing her mind to become foggy until she felt someone holding her still and a voice called out to her.

"Mal, Mal honey wake up you're having a nightmare... please love wake up."

Mal's eyes shot open and darted around the room, her breathing was rapid as she tried to calm herself down her eyes finally falling on Aurora who was holding her tightly in her arms. Mal still couldn't bring herself to talk no matter what she tried but Aurora just held her, rocking her gently

"It's okay dear, I'm here and nobody is ever going to hurt you." she looked behind her as Leah and Audrey came into the room with worried expressions on their faces.

"Is Mal okay, mom.." Audrey asked as Queen Leah held her hand on the girls shoulder, she wasn't quite sure how Mal would react to seeing her.

"Yes Audrey, Mal just had a bad dream.. I will be out there in a moment." Mal's eyes however had locked onto the Brunette teen and scowled, Audrey backed up slowly.

"Uh perhaps I should have stayed in the hall.."

Queen Leah sighed and shook her head

"No, you girls need to work things out." she turned Audrey towards her and sighed "Mal is in a very emotional state, she needs a friend right now and since they are not here at this time it is your duty to be a friend."

"But Grammy, she hates me.. I tried to apologize, but it just I tried to warn them but it didn't go very well."

"You didn't talk to them, you threatened Evie after Mal had warned you not to say anything. So yes, her trust in you is broken.. but now is the best time to start fixing it don't you think?"

"Yes Grammy, I will try and fix things. I promise..." Audrey said as she turned back to where Mal and Aurora were. Aurora looked at her mother and nodded her head as she kissed Mal's forehead and walked away,

"If there are any problems, we will be right outside." Aurora said speaking more to Mal then her daughter. Mal nodded as she sat up in the bed and stared at Audrey while Queen Leah and Aurora walked out into the hallway.

Audrey bit her lip and shifted on her feet as she looked at Mal who just sat there staring at her blankly with a look of pure anger on her face. Audrey also noticed the look of defeat and utter sadness in her eyes and how Mal didn't seem like herself, in fact she seemed broken... like her heart had been shattered and those broken pieces needed to be picked back up and put together again. Audrey at that moment knew exactly how Mal must have been feeling and it broke her own heart, She walked over to Mal's bed and sat down on the edge of it.

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