Chapter 25: Travels To the Underworld

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 The group stumbled as they made it into the underworld, they had lost sight of the shadow that had Hans' soul but they had more to worry about currently.

"I am so tired of portals, I thought being a royal would mean things like escaped villains and mass destruction wouldn't happen... I really wanted to just relax." Uma said as she dusted off her teal skirt. Jay and Carlos snickered at each other and shook their heads.

"Auradon and the other kingdoms are just like the isle, just with different forms of danger and less uhm villainy?" Ben added as he looked at the two boys with a grin. Uma shrugged and looked around, the underworld was a dark and dank place with tall cave-like stone walls and thorns that hung low from the high ceilings. The occasional moan or scream of a soul being tortured was heard as the four friends walked down a long narrow pathway,

"I can't wait until this is over and done with so I can go back to relaxing without annoyances..."

Ben and the boys looked at each other and bit their lips, Jay was going to say something about Uma's mother and how they still had to get her, but they figured Uma already knew that and just hid her true emotions well. The group walked for a while hiding from the occasional shadow that seemed to lurk in every dark space until they came across a room that was closed off and sealed, they could see what looked like a green shadowy mist moving back and forth from behind. Uma placed her hand on the sealed door and was shoved backward by a powerful force,

"Whatever is in their lets not stick around to find out..." Ben said as he caught Uma in his arms, although they all knew only one person who could be behind there and so they quickly walked away and turned left down a long hallway which was filled with lanterns. Each lantern was a solid color and had a nameplate under it,

"Audrey," Carlos said as he read one of the light pink lanterns, his gaze fell down to the next row and read off Audrey's families name. "Aurora, Leah, Phillip...." his eyes fell on a dark lantern which wasn't lit up like the others, "King Stefan..." Carlos turned to face Ben who went to look at some other nameplates. Some of the lanterns were dark or flickering while others glowed strongly and brightly.

"What do you think these are?" Carlos asked curiously as he looked down the long row of lanterns and names.

"uh, I don't know but come look at these ones..." Jay called from all the way down at the end of the hall. The three teens ran down to meet up with the oldest VK and looked at the different Lanterns, they had different markings on them and had a strangeness to them. Jay pointed a finger upward above his head and when everyone looked they were shocked to see their names on lanterns as well as their parents. Carlos' Lantern was red and white with a strange crossbones symbol on it while Jay's was yellow and red with a cobra. Ben's had Auradon's insignia and Uma's had an sea witch,

"What do these lanterns mean?" Ben said as he looked at the Lanterns curiously unsure whether touching one was the best idea.

"Uh you guys might want to come here quickly," Uma said as she peered through a door that led to another room. Inside there were two lanterns one Purple and one Blue, the light inside of them were flickering and they were protected behind a green barrier.

"What is going on, are those lanterns Mal and Evie's?" Carlos' mind was racing with questions as he tried to understand what they all were seeing. Suddenly the room began to fill with a bluish gray smoke suddenly a man with blue flaming hair and wearing a black robe came walking from the smoke,

"Well hello and welcome to the underworld! I've been expecting you four.." Hades laughed and snapped his fingers sending the four teens to fall back into some chairs where their hands were bound with rope.

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