chapter three

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ISAAC kept his eyes locked on the papers he was shoving into his bag as Lainey sat on the couch across from him.

He heard Amelia shuffling around in the kitchen, preparing tea for Lainey as the girl shivered, sopping wet. Lainey's blonde hair was dark in the dim lighting, stringy and falling in clumps to the sides of her shoulders. Her thin arms were wrapped around her torso, and her eyes were narrowed, focused on Isaac.

Isaac cleared his throat in discomfort, before he moved to walk out of the room..

"Wait, Mr. Walker," he heard Lainey whisper lightly from the couch.

Isaac swallowed and turned slowly to the girl, who now had her arms to her side, her back arched and her chest puffed out. Of course her white t-shirt was wet and soaked tightly to her skin, which made Isaac's eyes widen as he quickly averted his gaze.

"What?" Isaac asked, moving to grab a checkered throw-blanket off the edge of the other couch beside him. He tossed it to her for her to cover herself.

She ignored the blanket and stood up, staring up at Isaac. Isaac kept his gaze on the wall across from her, his chest rising and falling with unease.

"Can you stay in here with me?" Lainey stood on her toes and leaned closer to him, her eyes piercing into him.

"I have stuff to do," he dismissed, turning towards the doorway again.

He felt her gentle grip on his forearm, and he looked over to find her flicking her tongue over her bottom lip. She stood on her tiptoes, and Isaac instantly felt her hot breath against his ear, sending a jolt of goosebumps down his flesh.

"If anyone found out I was here, you would lose your job. You know that?" she asked softly, her words tickling his ear.

He shoved her off of him, a bit too hard as she almost tripped backwards. She caught her balance just as Isaac's skin pricked and heated with anger. He could practically feel his blood boiling. He towered over her, staring down into her eyes.

"I knew..." he took a deep breath to calm his anger before continuing. "Is that why you're here? Do you want to get me fired?" Isaac asked through his teeth, before Lainey's previously seductive glare turned wide and scared.

Amelia's shocked scoff allowed Isaac to know why Lainey's demeanor changed. Of course she didn't hear Lainey's remark, just his. His shoulders deflated and he looked over to Amelia, who was holding a steaming cup of tea in her grip. Her dark eyes were wide and her lips were parted.

"Are you serious, Isaac? How could you talk to her like that?" Amelia asked, pushing past him to grip Lainey's arm and seat her back on the couch.

The tears clouding Lainey's eyes were sparkling in the light from the dingy lamp beside her. Her breath was choppy as she opened her mouth to feign shock as well.

"I'm sorry, Amelia, I really don't want to intrude," Lainey sniffled, reaching up to wipe her nose. "I didn't know Mr. Walker would be so upset with this. I can leave if you'd like," she said, beginning to stand up, but Amelia caught her arm.

"No, honey, please don't worry about him. You're not intruding at all," Amelia threw a burning glare in Isaac's direction, while he just faltered beneath it. There was no use in trying to explain himself - Amelia was too compassionate towards the girl to believe him.

"It's just," Lainey stopped to cover her mouth, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. "...I, my, my dad threw me out. So I was trying to find jobs, you know, to... to be able to live on my own. And I had no where to go while it was raining," Lainey shook her head, staring down at the cup of tea in her grip.

Isaac sighed heavily, lifting his bag filled with papers up over his shoulder more.

"Oh, you poor girl. I'm so sorry for Isaac's behaviour, you're welcome to stay here as long as you need," Amelia whispered, rubbing Lainey's arms in an attempt to warm her. "Here, I'll go up and get you some fresh clothes."

Amelia stood to her feet and walked past Isaac, glaring at him with a threatening glint in her eyes.

Isaac followed Amelia upstairs before Lainey could say anything else to him. He decided to attempt at explaining himself, but he knew it would be of no use.

"Isn't she creepy, Amelia? There's no reason for her to be here-" Isaac tried.

Amelia interrupted him quickly. "I think she just explained why she needs to be here. The girl probably has no one."

"Well, I- I don't think my student should stay at my house - that's unprofessional and I could get in a lot of trouble," he replied. He figured that it wouldn't hurt to try a different approach with Amelia, but his words were going in one ear and out the other.

"And if you threw her out on the streets, that's more professional? Grow up, Isaac. I don't know what your problem is with her, but I'm not having it," Amelia said while walking past Gavin's nursery room where he was sleeping.

Amelia walked quickly into their bedroom and sifted through her drawers, as Isaac stood at the doorway and watched her.

"But she-"

"What if we have a daughter one day? Would you be comfortable acting this way towards her?" Amelia asked, grabbing a pair of silk pajama shorts and a tee shirt out of her drawer.

Isaac's lips parted in surprise. "That's so much different."

"No, it's really not," Amelia explained with anger in her tone. "A young girl is in need of somewhere to stay, and I'm not throwing her out on the streets because you don't agree with it. You know that it's dangerous out there, especially for a teenage girl."

"I know," Isaac said, "but-"

"I don't want to hear it," Amelia stated, pushing past him again to walk downstairs.

Isaac stayed in their bedroom, his hands rubbing over his face as he sat down on the bed. When Amelia came back upstairs, she walked quietly to grab pajamas.

"Amelia," Isaac tried again.

She ignored him as she turned away and slipped her shirt off.

"I'm sorry," Isaac apologized, staring up at Amelia.

Amelia pulled her nightgown over her head, before turning to look at Isaac.

"She can stay as long as she wants," Isaac forced, holding his arm out and gesturing for Amelia to come over to him.

Amelia gave him a warm smile, her fingers wrapping around his gently.

"Thank you," Amelia said quietly, moving on top of Isaac. She pressed her forehead to his, and Isaac stroked his fingers against the smooth, dark skin of her arm. "I knew you weren't a bad guy."

Isaac smiled and leaned up to press his lips against hers, as they continued to gently kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her body closer to his, just until he caught a glimpse of a figure standing in the doorway of their bedroom.

Isaac pulled his lips from Amelia's quickly, his heart racing as he looked over at Lainey. Lainey stood there, her narrowed eyes glittering and her arms crossed over her chest.

"What?" Amelia asked breathlessly, before turning around to follow Isaac's gaze. "Oh! Is everything all right, Lainey?"

Amelia stood up from Isaac's lap, and Isaac sighed before running his hand through his hair.

"I was just wondering where the bathroom was," Lainey replied innocently, her eyes refusing to leave Isaac. When Isaac looked away, he could still feel her glare shooting through him.

"Oh, okay, let me show you," Amelia moved past Lainey to direct her towards the bathroom.

Lainey lingered at the doorway, continuing to stare at Isaac. Then, she turned away and disappeared to follow Amelia down the hallway.

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