chapter twelve

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AMELIA stood by the doorway and watched as Isaac finished collecting his belongings. He didn't get the chance to finish the last time he was there, before he got the concussion.

Isaac was quiet as he folded his clothes into the suitcase.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly, looking up through his glasses at Amelia, who had Gavin bouncing on her hip.

Amelia took a deep breath and shook her head. "I'm sorry that things had to end this way," she responded.

"I don't... I don't even remember who I-" Isaac started, but Amelia closed her eyes and shook her head, making him stop.

"Isaac, please. This is hard enough as it is," Amelia whispered. He could tell by the way her voice was breaking that she was trying not to cry.

Amelia stepped into the room and sat with Gavin in her arms on the edge of the bed.

"I wish I knew why you did it," Amelia said, a tear dropping down her cheek. "I knew it would happen. We were becoming so distant."

"I genuinely don't remember why I did it, Amelia," he said, his shoulders lifting. "But I lost the best thing that has ever happened to me."

Amelia swallowed hard and watched as Isaac closed and zipped the suitcase. He stood to his feet and swallowed back tears as he stared at Amelia.

"I am so sorry for doing this," Isaac said, staring into her large, brown eyes. "I need you to know that. This is my fault, all mine," he continued.

"You're right, it is," Amelia told him, tears falling more rapidly down her cheeks.

"Well," Isaac said, his voice breathy. "I guess I should... I should leave now, right?"

Amelia nodded, continuing to stare up into his eyes.

"Will you be all right here alone?" he asked.

Amelia nodded. "Well, I have Gavin and Lainey here so... I think I'll be okay," her words were soft. "Lainey'll babysit for me while I'm at work, I'm sure, so."

Isaac continued to stare into her eyes. They sparkled against the light of the lamp on the nightstand just beside the bed. He watched as tears continued to move down her smooth cheeks.

Isaac leaned down and pressed his lips slowly against hers. He felt surprised when Amelia kissed him back, but only for several seconds, before she pulled away. There was movement at the doorway, but when Isaac looked, no one was there.

"Isaac," was all Amelia said, and he quickly pulled away from her while nodding.

"I'm sorry," he said, and he felt he couldn't possibly say it enough.

"God, I'm such an idiot. Of course I gave in to you," Amelia said, standing up and moving Gavin up against her chest. "Get out, Isaac, please."

"Okay, okay," he said, his voice filled with sorrow.

He stepped out into the hallway with his bag in his grip, Amelia behind him, until he paused and looked at her.

"Do you hear something?" he asked, and Amelia tilted her head.

"Yeah... it sounds like..." she trailed off, before they both started down the stairs and into the living room, following the strange noises that blasted through the house.

Isaac saw Lainey standing in front of the television, watching it with a smile from ear to ear. She looked over and saw Isaac and Amelia standing in the hallway.

"Oh, it only just started. Come watch," Lainey said, her words calm as Isaac moved closer to look at the television.

His heart dropped as he stared at the screen. There it was. The tape of him and Lainey.

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