chapter thirteen

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"CAN I ask you something?" Lainey's words hot against the skin of Isaac's neck.

Isaac nodded as Lainey pulled both of his hands up over his head to secure them to the rusty bedpost. The handcuffs clicked, and his wrists were restricted, confined in the metal.

He was chained to the bed, clad in only his pants.

Her eyes were narrowed and her smile was devious as she straddled his waist. He wasn't exactly in the mood for what she was doing, but her beauty was mesmerizing to him in that moment. Her waist-length hair tickled the bare skin of his stomach.

"You're so hot," Isaac told her as he gazed at her.

Lainey giggled as she brought her nails down his chest, lightly scraping them against his flesh. Her eyes were glossy against the dim lighting.

"What'd you need to ask me?" Isaac said, his eyes filled with lust as he stared at her.

"Oh, just..." Lainey trailed off, "did you want to be a dad? Or was Gavin an accident?" Lainey asked. Her question was strange but her demeanor didn't shift as she pressed her lips to his neck.

"What?" Isaac was confused.

"Like, did you want a family?" Lainey asked against his skin.

Isaac stared up at the ceiling in confusion. "Of course I wanted a fa-amily," he said just as she bit down on his skin.

"What would you do if something happened to Amelia?" Lainey asked, still grazing her lips against his neck.

"Wh-why are you asking me these questions?" Isaac asked, trying to battle between feeling flustered and nervous.

Lainey pulled away from him, her eyes narrowed. "So you would be sad?"

Isaac furrowed his eyebrows. "What? Of course I'd be sad, why are you asking that?"

"You'd be sad even though that woman is a bitch?" Lainey scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You're a bigger idiot than I thought, wow."

Isaac couldn't comprehend his confusion. "Lainey, what is wrong with you? Did something happen to Amelia?"

Lainey's eyes had a specific glint in them that Isaac didn't recognize. He felt innately frightened, he wasn't even sure why, but his heart was racing and suddenly he wished he wasn't handcuffed to a bedpost.

"Oh, don't worry. Nothing's wrong with your precious, ugly little bitch," Lainey slid off of him abruptly, and Isaac straightened his posture, looking up at his tied wrists. "Yet, I guess."

"Can you get these off?" Isaac asked, feeling alarmed by the way Lainey stood at the bedside beside him, her blonde hair framing her face in long, straight strands. Her eyes were narrowed and she was staring ahead at the wall.

"Why?" Lainey questioned, her eyes squinting as she continued to stare at the wall. Isaac tried to follow her gaze, but nothing was there.

"It, uh, it hurts," he said, beginning to lose feeling in his arms as the blood rushed away from them.

Lainey's eyes slowly moved from the wall to his. "I don't give a fuck."

"Lainey, look, I'm- I'm sorry, I don't care about Amelia. Just get me out of these," he said, struggling to pull his wrists out of them.

Lainey gnawed at her lip, tears rushing down her face as her eyes watched him for several minutes. While Isaac struggled, she stood and watched him, completely silent and unmoving.

"What the- Lainey! What are you doing?" Isaac said, his eyes wide as she suddenly ripped her gaze away from him and started towards her backpack.

Isaac watched her, his teeth gritted together as he tried one last time to jolt his wrists from the restraints without success.

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