chapter ten

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ISAAC swore he was still a little drunk the next morning.

Staying at that bland motel all night caused continuous thoughts about how his girlfriend and son were ripped away from him. Which of course, made him drive to the liquor store and down almost an entire bottle of rum.

When he woke up, he stared at the ceiling. His vision was twisting around as he took a deep breath. His life was over. If the school finds out about him and his student - which knowing Lainey, they will - what more does he have left?

"You fucked up," he groaned to himself, standing up and carrying himself over to the small bathroom inside the room.

He knelt beside the toilet and threw up until there was nothing left to come out. He brushed his teeth, took an advil, chugged a water bottle, and walked into the parking lot with sunglasses on.

He knew Amelia was at work, and he knew she wanted him to get his stuff while she was away. So he started his car and he drove to his house.

He parked his car in the driveway and walked slowly up to the front porch, trying desperately not to cry. He knew Lainey was there, sick, twisted Lainey, watching his son.

He unlocked the door with his keys and walked into the house. Lainey was sitting on the living room floor and playing with Gavin, before she looked up and noticed him.

"Are you hungover?" Lainey suddenly asked, amusement threaded in her tone.

"Don't talk to me," Isaac said while starting up the stairs. Out of his peripheral vision, he saw Lainey put Gavin in his bouncer, and he knew she would follow him upstairs.

When he walked into his room, Lainey appeared in the doorway, and he closed his eyes.

"Lainey, please don't. Haven't I suffered enough?" he asked, kneeling down to open the drawer with his clothes in it.

"Mr. Walker, I wanted to say I'm sorry," Lainey said, and he looked up at her.

"You're sorry," he laughed, standing up. "You're sorry, Lainey? You ruined my fucking life."

"Actually, Mr. Walker, you ruined your life. I didn't force you to fuck me all night long," she said with a smirk on her lips, and he swallowed hard.

"I'm not in the mood for this," he said, grabbing a suitcase out of his closet and pulling it towards the dresser.

Lainey sat on the bed. "I told her because she deserved to know."

"Oh, suddenly you're a saint? You left out the crucial detail that it was you I cheated on her with. Of course you would leave that out," he said, tossing his clothes into the luggage.

"You could've told her, but all you could do was beg for her not to leave, like a sorry little bitch," Lainey said while crossing her legs.

"Lainey, what did I do to deserve this? I didn't fail you, you got nothing but A's in my class. Why are you targeting me?" he asked her.

"Other than the fact that you're sexy as all hell, you know the reason. Deep down, you know," she answered bluntly.

What could she possibly mean by that? He shook his head. "No, I don't know. Can you just fucking tell me?"

When he looked at her, she had a devilish glint in her eyes. Her blonde hair was framing her face as she tilted her chin down and kept her gaze narrowed towards him.

"You wanna know something?" she asked. "You're blaming me for something you did. That shows a lot about you."

Isaac sighed as he continued to pile stuff into his bag. "You're unbelievable," he said. "I'm not going to let my life be ruined by an eighteen year old little girl."

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