chapter seventeen

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WHEN Isaac opened his eyes, his vision was extremely blurry. He lifted his head up and focused his vision on the steering wheel in front of him, which his forehead was resting on.

He reached around and found his glasses, which were sat on his lap. His shaking fingers pulled the glasses over his eyes, and he realized that he was sitting in the driver's seat of Riley's car. He looked out the windshield and saw that they were still in the parking garage.

When he turned to look in the passenger seat, Lainey was sitting beside him, staring at him.

Isaac swallowed and exhaled, throwing his head back. He felt absolutely drained - his stomach was twisting and his eyes were dropping. He could not believe for one second that he was in this situation. This is how his life turned out.

Lainey giggled from beside him. "Who the fuck passes out when they have the chance to run away?" she asked, unable to stop herself from laughing.

Isaac could hardly look at her. He felt like he was going to vomit. His head was aching and he couldn't see through the long crack in the left lens of his glasses.

"Where is Gavin?" he asked, his voice low and monotonous. He could see the gun in Lainey's lap through his peripheral vision.

Lainey shifted in the passenger seat. "The trunk."

Isaac's eyes widened, and he reached for the door handle. His heart was pounding in his chest, and it was so loud that his head was pulsing with every beat. There was a loud ringing in his ear as he realized that Gavin was probably dead.

Lainey held the gun up at Isaac, her eyes glistening. "Don't you dare get out of this car."

"Is..." Isaac took a deep breath, burning tears welling up in his eyes. "Is he..."

"He's fine. I put him in the trunk for right now. He can breathe, I think," Lainey said with a shrug. "I just didn't want him to see what was about to happen."

Isaac was trembling as he looked over at Lainey again.

"Are you upset?" Lainey asked with a frown, clearly mocking him.

Isaac sniffled and stared down at the steering wheel.

"You're upset that I fucked your girlfriend, aren't you?" she asked with a long sigh.

"No. That's, uh... probably the last thing on my mind right now," he said with a cynical laugh through his tears, which were falling from his eyes and rushing down his clammy cheeks.

"I really loved Amelia," Lainey told him. "From the start. She was so caring, and I knew that she didn't deserve somebody like you. She loved me, too."

Isaac closed his eyes. "Where is she?" He really didn't want to know the answer.

"And you know, I really wish that she wasn't a part of this. Because thanks to you, another beautiful and innocent girl is dead," Lainey informed him.

His heart broke into pieces.

It was like time had stopped around him, and everything was frozen. He forgot about the danger he was in. He hated Lainey - he absolutely despised her. He wanted to beat the shit out of her. He wanted to grab her blonde hair in his fist and slam her face over and over into the dashboard. He wanted to see her in pain.

Amelia was too good for him, this was obvious. Isaac couldn't control his alcoholism and it always upset Amelia, until he had to do it in secret. That girl loved him and he cheated on her, he brought her into this situation and now her life was over, all because of him.

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