chapter fifteen

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THE CLOCK read 3:04 AM.

Isaac was extremely weak, to say the least. His eyelids were practically lead and he had lost any ounce of feeling in his arms, which were still raised above his head. His throat was raw, he swore he even tasted blood in his saliva. His screams were so harsh, how come he couldn't find anybody to save him?

He spent the night wondering where Lainey had disappeared to with Gavin again. He was entirely alone, watching the clock tick with every second that passed.

Watching Lainey walk out the door with his son in her arms, not having the slightest clue what she was up to, horrified him. His heart raced every time he imagined a scenario where his son would end up dead or severely injured.

He couldn't bear the fact that this was his fault. And where was Amelia? Hopefully Lainey had left her alone.

Time passed and Isaac gave up screaming, mostly because his throat was aching, but also seeing as Lainey always seemed to know how to distract and divert people's attention from him. Nothing appeared to work out in his favour.

He was beginning to think that maybe he deserved this karma. He cheated on his beautiful girlfriend, he was no longer going to have a job after this, if he even made it out alive - he was about to be killed by his own student.

But there was a sudden, heavy knock at the door of the motel room.

Isaac perked up, his eyes widening. He really hoped he wasn't hallucinating. He had been hearing different voices and noises from how deliriously exhausted he was.

"Hello?" he heard a woman's voice call through the door.

Isaac wondered if it was Amelia and his heart started racing with pure relief - but his hopes weren't too high.

"Dad," the voice called from the other side. "Dad, it's Riley, is this your room? Hey, open the door, would you? It's three A.M. and this place is creeping me out."

"Yes, it's me!" Isaac lied, straining his voice. "It's- It's my room! Help!"

"Dad, what? Are you okay? Open the door!" the girl, Riley, called again, and Isaac watched the rusted door knob shake as the girl fumbled with it.

"I can't! I'm hurt!" Isaac yelled, though his voice cracked and fell nearly inaudible in the middle of his cry.

"What? What'd you say? Dad, you're worrying me!" he heard her yell, panic clear in her tone. "Dad! Open up!"

"I need help!" he screamed out again, his voice straining and faltering. "I-I fell!"

He threw his head back and closed his eyes while the panicked girl continued to mess with the doorknob. He was doomed. How was this girl going to magically get into his room and rescue him?

Much to Isaac's surprise, the door actually swung open.

The young woman was clad in blue scrubs. Her eyes were large and she had her fiery, ginger hair pulled into a low ponytail. Her horrified stare was fixed on Isaac.

Riley's chest moved quickly in shock and confusion as Isaac noticed a bobby pin between her fingers. She must have used it to somehow unlock the door.

"Where... um, is my father?" she asked, her eyes wide as she continued to stand uncomfortably at the doorway.

"I don't know," Isaac tried to say, but his voice was almost entirely gone. "I- I need help."

"I can see that... what happened to you? Who are you?" the woman said, slowly walking farther into the room. Her eyes carefully wandered around the small and dusty area. "Is anyone else in here?"

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