14|The Dead Girl's Journey

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Adhaya lets out a laugh growl squinting her eyes as pain swelled but her chest making her cry in pain. "It's going to be okey." A voice said lowly as she finally felt the arms carrying her. She groaned in pain as she looked up seeing a blurry face, she waited until it became clear and saw a man wearing a hood and a piece of cloth around the bottom of his face.

"Let— let me go." Adhaya gasped as she tried to push him away but pain still radiated through her with any little movement, what was worse, she felt a burn on her chest but she couldn't move her head.

"It is a 130 mile-trek from where we are." Is all he said before he laid her down on rocks next to a river making her cry out in pain again.

"I am surprised your alive, but then again you are a dire wolf so that makes sense." The male said as he grabbed her hand and black veins appeared around his hand. He was taking her pain.

"W—What?" She questioned him feeling less pain than before. She took the time to look at him, he had brown hair that showed a bit with bright blue eyes. She never seen anyone like him before.

"A dire wolf." He said again, more stern than the other time. She looked at him.

"What does that have to do with me being alive?." Adhaya told him. She was so confused.

"Dire wolves are very rare. In fact the last time we heard from them, it was 500 thousand years ago." He said making her gap. She looked at him, she was surprised.

"Why me?" She whispered to herself. "Bellamy... I need to find my friends."  She said with urgency's snapping up to a sitting position making her cry in pain laying back down only the big rock he had put her against. He quickly took her pain once more and groaned in pain seeing how he was taking too much so he pulled his hand away.

"Bellamy?" The male asked confused, he only seen her once before and he didn't see anyone named Bellamy.

"I need to find my friends. I need to know if they are okey." She said urgently and he shook his head.

"Trust me, they were gone when I got you. The Mountain Men must have gotten them." The male said making her sigh exasperated.

"Mountain Men?" She questioned not knowing who they were.

"The people who live in the mountain." He explained. Adhaya subconsciously grabbed the necklace from her neck making her hiss since it burned.

"This happened before." She stated as she removed her hand from her necklace making her wince when it dropped to her skin.

"It lights up when you are close to a Moons Child." The male said to her as he grasped the canteen from his side and made her drink it and she did. She felt relieved drinking the cold water.

"How did you find me?" Adhaya asked looking at him as he puts the canteen in his pocket. "How long was I out?"

The male chuckled making her shiver, and it wasn't because she was cold. "You ask many questions." He stated amused.

"I am a curious one." She said waiting for him to answer.

"First off, you need to heal before you find your friends. I found you next to a ship next to burned bodies. And you have been out for a few days." He said making her look away sadden. Bellamy was close when the explosion was heard. He's gone...

"Wait, how am I not burned alive?" She questioned looking at him and he shrugged.

"Must be a ability you bare." He said before glancing at the gash on her skin. "You are healing better than I thought, you should be good as knew. Perhaps by the time we make it to my pack."

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