24| The Dead Girl's Way Into Mount Weather

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"Wake up." Adhaya mumbled as she poked Bellamy's cheek with her finger making him groan.

"No." Bellamy whispered in a raspy voice, Adhaya rolled her eyes as she grabbed a bucket of water and thrown it over his head making him snap into a sitting position. "What the hell?" He said liking Adhaya whom smirked.

"Rise and shine, buttercup." Adhaya said making Bellamy scoff rolling his eyes as he dragged his hand down his face to get rid of the water.

"Do not call me buttercup." Bellamy grumbled as he pushed himself up, she rolled her eyes as she grabbed some clothing and hands it to him.

"Lincoln and I have made a plan." She announced, he grace her a look as he grabbed the Grounder gear and finally took in her appearance. She looked like one of them, the leather around covering her body with black and hints of red, and bones.

"You look like a Grounder." He stated.

"That's part of the plan." She stated then looked at the gear in his hands. "Are you going to get ready or are you going to make me stand here?" She questioned making him nod, Adhaya turned around facing the closed entrance of the small tent Bellamy had made. Bellamy started to change into the Grounder gear.

"Made a plan without me, why doesn't that surprise me?" He asked and Adhaya shrugged, he looked at her and noticed black marks on her neck. "Have you always had that?" He questioned.

"What?" She asked as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"The tattoos." He stated as he finished dressing. He never noticed that she had marks all over her, and now he has.

"Yes." She stated as she opened the tent knowing Bellamy was dressed and she walked out with him following. "I will tell you the plan on the way."


Adhaya finished telling Bellamy the plan on their way to Mount Weather as Lincoln killed a dear. "So we make it to the intake door without any of the real Reapers seeing us. What happens then?" Bellamy questioned making Adhaya grumble as she face palmed as they went down the small hill.

"I thought I already told you this." Adhaya mumbled making the sides of Lincoln's lips twitch upward but kept a straight face.

"I kill everyone, and you slip inside." Lincoln told him as he crouched down dipping his hands into the deers blood then smears it on his mouth and neck.  "Limestone." He said turning to Bellamy as he pulled out a small rag that carries limestone.

"I damn hope we get this done." Adhaya mumbled as Lincoln grabbed the rag and dipped his fingers into the limestone then drags his fingers across his face across an eye.

"Let's go." Lincoln said as he stood up and started walking, Adhaya and Bellamy walked after him. "We have a lot of ground to cover before dark." He said and Adhaya gave a nod.

"And some damn time to rethink." Adhaya joked making Lincoln smile slightly at her amused.


Adhaya and Lincoln have been talking for the past few about different stuff, they have not talked as much since when he found her laced with wolfsbane. That made Bellamy feel left out. "Hey. I needed to know what happened after the intake door." Bellamy said making his way over to Lincoln and Adhaya.

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