20|The Dead Girl In A Cell

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"They want Finn." Clarke said hurt, she looked at her mother then at the group. "If we want a truce, we give them Finn."

"I say give him to them, one for the many right?" Adhaya said looking at everyone but everyone just glared at her and Bellamy shook his head as he grabbed her arm and pulled her against his chest.

"Seriously Adhaya? Do you not have heart?" Raven raised her voice glaring at Adhaya but she didn't seem to care. Bellamy noticed that she wasn't shaking anymore, in fact she didn't even seem to notice that he grabbed her.

"That was burned with the rest of me." Adhaya muttered under her breath bitterly, Bellamy heard making him look at her confused.

"That's their offer." Clarke said to them.

"That's not a offer." Raven scoffed tearing her eyes off of Adhaya and looked at Clarke.

"It's punishment. For what happened in the village. Blood for blood." Finn explained as he walked in, Adhaya just stared at him.

"If we refuse?" Abigail asked as she looked at her daughter. She snuck a glance at Adhaya seeing that there was something with her but they had another problem at hand so she ignored it. For now.

"War." Adhaya stated looking at the group with a straight face. "'Jus dren jus daun', it's what they live by." Adhaya stated looking directly at Finn. "Blood must have blood." She translated.

"I say we give him up! Get rid of him!" A voice said from a form in crowd around the group.

"Easy, people." Byrne said trying to calm the crowd down.

"Hive him to the Grounders!"

"How about I give you to the Grounders!" Adhaya growled glaring at the crowd as she stepped towards him.

A man started to walk to Finn so Raven shoved him away. "Back off!" She yelled pissed. Adhaya moved forward pulling her back.

"Back down, you fight they will fight back. They'll just want Finn even more." Adhaya whispered glaring at the man as she holds Raven back.

"I'm not dying for him! Spacewalker burned 3 months of oxygen from the Ark. He should've been floated a long time ago! Throw him out!"

"Back off!" Raven yelled again pushing the male again after ripping her hand from Adhaya's grasp.

"Stop, Reyes!"

"Let me go!" Raven yelled as the guards grabbed her, Adhaya started to get angry, all she was doing was protecting someone she loved.

"Let her go!" Adhaya growled as she went after them had pushed the guard away pulling Raven back.

"Get them both!" The guards said as they moved towards them, Adhaya took a deep breath trying to hide her anger but it was building up as she started to overheat.

"Watch it!" Adhaya yelled as a guard grabbed her arm, she formed her hand into a fist and punched the guard hard enough to leave a bad bruise. A crowd formed even larger from the last. A guard went after Raven grabbed her ruffly, Adhaya turned swiftly but then a guard pulled out a electric rod and placed it at Adhaya's side making her shake from the electricity.

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