Chapter 5: Unhappily Reunited

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His eyes sparkle with the same laughter I remember, though his dark hair is no longer as windswept as the countless days we spent chasing one another in the sun. His features are as defined as carved granite, different from when he was still a boy. He has grown far taller too, and his shoulders have adopted the formidable width of a grown man. A disarming intelligence inhabits his gaze -- one that makes me feel as though he can discern every thought and feeling passing through my mind. Perhaps he has become smarter from his years at the University.

To my dismay, the man who broke my heart is still incredibly handsome. Striking, perhaps. I had almost hoped that he would become fat, or grow an unruly beard so that I wouldn't find myself so drawn to his good appearance. 

I bow my head -- not in shame or submission, but in fear that the moment he speaks I'll forgive him for the turmoil he caused my naïve, foolish, girlish heart.

"Good evening, sir," I greet him coolly, feigning indifference, the only way I know how to best him at his own game. I pretend to busy myself with the hem of my skirt, fixing an invisible loose thread with concentrated efforts.

Henry steps closer to me, and when I raise my head, his blue eyes are fastened to my face. "See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. O, that I were a glove upon that hand that I might touch her cheek!" 

His quotation from Shakespeare surprises me, and I realize that my hand has in fact gone to rest upon my cheek, though I am not wearing gloves. Swiftly, I drop my hands to my sides, and I dip my head to conceal my flush. 

"I see you have finally learned Shakespeare." I state dumbly, hoping I am correct.

"You are as clever as I recall." Henry says appreciatively. His voice is much deeper than I remember, and he speaks with the decisiveness of a practising barrister.

"And you, sir..." I stammer because I am quite shocked at seeing him, and doubly confused by his flirtatious words. The last time I saw him he hated me. Why is he now acting so... smitten? 

"Helene, you won't call by my name? My first name? Is that how much you despise me?" Henry begs, his ocean blue eyes pleading. I am almost convinced that he is sincere.

"Pray, forgive me, sir, but I must depart at once. I'm quite exhausted, you see, after such a tiresome trip. You will excuse me, I expect -- the gentleman you are. Although it was enlightening speaking with you." I glare at him beneath curved brows.

"Helene, why are you here? Did you accompany Susanna and Lady Dorothea to meet my Mother?" Henry asks quickly.

"Your Mother?"

"Yes. Were you not aware? Susanna is marrying my brother, William Caldwell."

I stare at him, dumbfounded. An uncomfortable tension cultivates in the silence between us. If only I had been told that William was Henry's brother, since I had assumed he was an only child, other than Kitty. Besides, the way that Lady Caroline had spoken at dinner had been as though William was her only son.

"Well, I am very glad for them. Susanna deserves to be content with whomever she chooses. She is my cousin," I say matter-of-factly.

"Come now, Helene. Don't pretend with me. You never liked Susanna. Have you changed into a completely different person?" Henry subconsciously rolls his eyes. I can barely contain my normally subdued temper.

"You don't know me, not in the slightest. Not after you walked away all those years ago, leaving me to loathe myself -- believing that I hurt you, my only true happiness - my friend. So, don't you dare pretend to know me, because you haven't cared to know me since the day you left me standing in the rain." My voice increases in volume slowly until I am practically shouting, between desperate breaths. He doesn't speak, and I don't want him to. I stomp past him, as unladylike as possible, and climb up the stairs alone.


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