Chapter Two

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***2 years later*** 

Lets just get this straight, I was in a car crash two years ago where my mother and brother were killed. I lost my memories of important people in my life, but I feel no pain. I guess losing my memories of them made me forget that I loved them. Well now I live with my adopted family. My mom and dad. Cheryl and Michael.  And four siblings. Jasmine is ten and the youngest. Tommy is twelve, his twin sister Molly. There's Amber who is fifteen and then me I'm the oldest and I'm eighteen. Soon after I was adopted we moved to London England. I guess you could say my new life is perfect.

"Please please please come Serenity!" My little sister Amber begs tugging my arm. "Lillie's mom is sick and can't take us. Please we even have back stage passes I can't miss this! You have to take us please!" Her eyes are shining with tears, and she looks so hopeful. I can't say no.

"Fine." I say, she lets go of my arm and starts bouncing up and down on her bed. For a fifteen year old she had alot of energy.

"Yay, yay, yay, yay! Your the best sister ever! I love you!" she says flashing me a smile.

"Yeah, I know I am and I love you too." I say. "When is the concert again?" I ask hoping it will be next month or something.

"Tomorrow. Oh. My goddd I need to go call Lillie." Ugh tomorrow, I have a date with Jason. I promised Amber though he'll understand. I pick up my Iphone and dial his number.

"Hey Jason." I say already feeling a little quilty.

"Oh hey Serenity, what's up?" He says smoothly.

"Well I have to take my sister to a concert, a band called One Direction? But that mean I'll have to miss our date."

"Are you kidding me?" He says sounding annoyed.


"What the hell Ser. You've stood me up three times. I think your avoiding me" He says sounding aggravated. Witch only makes me angrier.

"Why would I be avoiding you."

"Well maybe you have someone else." He says.

"Ugh. You know what I Jason. I have a life outside of you. Friends, sports, and younger siblings to look after." The moment the words leave my mouth I regret them, but I'm to upset to take them back. Jason had a little sister but last year she was raped and murdered. She was only thirteen.

"I'm done." He says.

"Your done?" I say mocking him.

"I'm done talking to you we'll talk tomorrow."

"No Jason I'm done with you. And you can't tell me when I'll be speaking to you again." I say as I hang up. I slam my phone onto the bedside table out of frustration. I look at it and see I just cracked it. "Dammit" I say under my breath.

That's when the tears come hot angry tears. Crying for the life and family I lost so many years ago and crying for Jason. I hear the door open and small feet padding across the carpet to my bed. Jasmine climbs into my lap and puts her head on my shoulder. "Shhh." She whispers. "Dont cry Ser." Jasmine is the only other person I let call me that. Her and Jason. She stays like that fro aabout another thirty minutes shushing my tears before she falls asleep. I look over at the clock it reads eleven thirty four. Time to get some sleep. I need to be up by eight tomorrow for a three hour car ride with two fifteen year olds. I guess this is going to be the highlight of my summer.

My dreams haunt me tonight of the same blue eyed blonde haired boy I swear I've never seen before.

I wake up he next morning with Jasmine gone and replaced by Amber poking me in the face. "Go away." I mumble into my pillow.

"Get up its almost time to go." She whines. And continues poking me only now in the back.

"Fine." I say rolling over and punching her gently in the shoulder. She grabs my arm and yanks me from my warm pile of blankets. "Mehhhhh." I groan and lay now on the floor. I stand up and walk into the bathroom. I put on some mascara and light peach color eyeshadow. I run a brush through my hair and put it into a French braid. I walk back into my room and slip into my favorite tan shorts and a cropped tank top from American Eagle. I walk down the stairs and step into the kitchen Lillie is already here with Amber bouncing on their heels. I grab a muffin and then take a mug of coffee adding tons of cream and sugar with a little dollop of whipped cream. I take the canister of whipped cream and spray some into my mouth. My sister and Lillie accept some too. While we're all trying to swallow it my mother walks in and looks at me. I do a spit take with the cream and end up laughing my head off.

"Busted." My mom says laughing along with us.

"Time to go guys I say." I walk out the door and into the early morning. (Early for me anyway) I walk to the car and start it up both girls jump in the back seat.

"Here take this." Says Lillie handing me a disc. I put it into the radio and aime Direction starts playing. We open the sun roof and widows and start blasting the music. Screaming songs like 'I want.' And 'What makes you beautiful.' This is going to be fun I think.


let me know what you think ;)

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