Chapter 10

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That morning I woke up to her still asleep. I walk in to her living room to find Tizpora and Zora sitting a drinking coffee.

"Mornin' Adonee!!" Says Tizpora.
"Morn'" says Zora
"Good morning!" I say still excited from what happened last night.
"You seem happy.." Tizpora says concerned.
"Oh yeah..I'm in a good mood."
"Good." They say in unison.
"Y'all want to go out to eat for breakfast? I'll buy!" I say.
"Sure! Thanks!" Says Zora.
"Yes, thank you!" Says Tizpora.
"Ok we will wait for Koziwae.." 

I sit down and pick up some manga Koziwae left out. I read the title:
True Love Story's For Supernatural

I read the first page of the book.

"True Love is something can't just say I love you..and then walk away!!"

I think about what happened last night and a big smile forms on my face.

"Morning Princess!" Says the opposites in unison.

She sits beside me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Changes will happen at about 12:00 am today.." Koziwae says.
"Wait changes! I forgot!!" I say worried.
"Sugar it's gonna be ok!" She giggles.
"If you say so.." I say " can we still go out to eat?"
"I'm afraid not got to get used to turning into the human form before you go anywhere.. silly" she says laughing.
"Oh ok! Can we sit outside?"
"Yeah sure!!"
"Rup!" Charles jumps on my lap.
"Ok boy we'll go outside"

I should have never went out side..

(Part 12 coming!!)

My Dog CharlesWhere stories live. Discover now