Hell Yes.

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Titus' POV

God, why are Alpha duties so boring? I need to come up with a way to make it fun. 

Step 1: Skim over the paperwork.

Step 2: Decide whether or not to sign said paperwork.

Step 3: Sign paperwork or shred it.

Step 4: Move onto another document.

Step 5: Repeat the process.

As I'm skimming through one of the billion documents, I get interrupted. ^ALPHA ROGUES TO THE EAST BORDER!^ Shit why now? A tiny rogue came in and soon found out that one of my pack members is its mate and asked if she could stay and be one with the pack. I let her, but apparently she had other rogues hunting her down. Now they won't stop going after her! ^ROGUES EAST BORDER ALL WARRIORS THERE RIGHT NOW!^ with that said I run out to my balcony and jump off. While I'm in midair I shift so I don't hurt myself too badly.

When I land on all fours, I hawl ass to the east borders. When I get there, there's a blood bath waiting for me, left by none other than my patrol. Before I am able to puff my chest in pride I get ambushed. I take on several at once. As I start to get drowsy from all this fighting and protecting those fighting around me, I hear a bird cry. As if a reaction to that cry, everyone froze, (even the rogues) just to see what made that noise. I'm glad I do because when I look up towards, I see the most vibrant looking bird. Though I am ashamed to say that I have no clue what type of bird it is, I would have known. Shortly after the cry, it swoops down as if to attack something. I was right when I said to attack something, it went after a rogue that neither I nor Thaddeus noticed sneaking  up on us. Why did it do that? Wait.  WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!  DID A BIRD JUST SHIFT INTO A HUMAN??!! WHAT THE HELL!!! My thoughts are interrupted, again, when she looks around at all the rogues. Then, the most amazing thing I have ever seen, she shoots flames at the rogues like a damn flame thrower. They all yelp and run off, most undoubtedly to a lake that's nearby. 

Wait, what's that smell? Holy shit is she my mate? "Can we go to my office?" GOD, so much has happened. She smells like warm sugar cookies. UUGGHHHHH..... Makes me want to take her right now. When I notice that she shakes her head, we start to head towards my office on the second floor. ^You're all dismissed^ with that I put up my wall so I don't get interrupted again. I can't believe she is my mate?! I hear a quiet little giggle, that sounds angelic in every way, yes I know cliché but I don't care right now. Then I hear a voice in my head, sorta like the mind link I have with my pack but much more clear, it says 'Yes I am your mate, but you are my inamorata, it is like your mate bond but ten times stronger. I will tell you more in my office.' WHAT THE HELL? She can hear what I'm thinking? Wait...if she can, then she's heard everything...SHIT!

"If you can do that, then does that mean you've been hearing what I've been thinking?" 'Not here. I will tell you more in your office.' Ok, now I know that curiosity killed the cat, but I have to know her. So, I pick up my pace and move as fast as I can without running to my office just so I can hear her actual voice, and to know what she is. Finally, we reach my damn office, feels like it took forever just to get to the hall. "Oh. I'm sorry I was figuring things out and talking to Eliza. What were you saying?"

"Before you start talking, you need to know a few things about me and soon to be us. I am a Phoenix and like you and your pack I shift but not into a large dog, but into a bird, as you have seen. I have healing powers along with the ability to control fire, the rest of my abilities are locked away until I find you, my inamorata, or mate in your case. A Phoenix is a born female. We grow old, catch on fire and are born out of the ashes, so in a sense we are immortal. When we find our inamorata, we transfer each other's abilities to each other so you will now be able to heal your pack, control fire, and you will still change into a wolf but you will have wings and will be encircled with fire as I was. I will look just like you only I will keep the color Eliza and I have. Now Eliza is my Phoenix's name. Now that you've heard all of this. I will leave so you can process all of this." UMM...ok then. WAIT DID SHE JUST SAY THAT SHE'S LEAVING?!

Nope. Nope not happening. No way in hell she is going to leave me after that. As she turns to leave, I run as fast as I can and grab her hand. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!! This is nothing like what mom described this feeling to be. One last thing,  "You never told me your name. Or are you ok with Red?" I mentally face palm. Really, that's all you could think of to say? Dumbass. Shut up Thaddeus! I know ok? 

"Hermione." Her voice comes out breathless. When she turns her head to look at me I see that her eyes are glowing a bright blue. Beautiful. I was about to compliment her eyes when she pins me to the office wall. 

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