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Pronunciation: Her-My-O-Nee

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Pronunciation: Her-My-O-Nee

Meaning of Name: Messenger/earthly, daughter of Helen of Troy and Menelaus, of Greek origin. 

Personality Traits: Loner, only one friend (Lorelei), loves to draw, fascinated in humans and other shape shifters, wonderer, hard to piss off, waiting for her inamorata, loves all types of rock and alternative pop.

Physical Traits: (human form) Fiery red hair, eyes that change from blue to green when pissed, plump lips, pale skin. (Phoenix form) size of a bald eagle, red orange and yellow feathers, encircled in white flames, bright blue glowing eyes. Eliza


Pronunciation: LOR-a-lye

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Pronunciation: LOR-a-lye

Meaning of Name: The rocky cliff on the Rhine river, dangerous to boat passage, has been poetically personified as the Lorelei, whose singing lures men to destruction, of German origin.

Personality Traits: Acts like a siren when she is actually a Phoenix, boisterous, very ambitious, always "out" with a guy when she sees a hotty (otherwise always with Hermione, her BFF), lives up to her name, doesn't care what others think (Hermione is the only exception), not patient...therefore not waiting for her inamorata, strong willed and physically strong, loves rap and pop.

Physical Traits: (human form) Alluring, plump pink lips, bright blue eyes, fire engine red hair, pale skin. (Phoenix form) All white-coolest flame color, Gold glowing eyes, encircled by a purple flame-hottest color.


Pronunciation: Ty-Tus; AKA-Alpha Titus

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Pronunciation: Ty-Tus; AKA-Alpha Titus

Meaning of Name: In Greek, it means "pleasing"; in Latin, it means "saved".

Personality Traits: The leader, kind, loves all, fascinated in all types of birds (hint, hint) LOVES children, easily flustered, waiting for his mate, loves country and rock.

Physical Traits: (human form) Tan skin, handsome w/ a 5 o'clock shadow, thick dark brown hair, pale blue eyes, panty melting body. (Wolf form) Thaddeus. Largest wolf in the pack, pure white fur, glowing bright blue eyes (later changes).


Pronunciation: Dame-ee-in

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Pronunciation: Dame-ee-in

Meaning of Name: To Tame,in Greek.

Personality Traits: Player, not waiting for his mate, takes his beta Duties seriously, he wants only strong he never stays with someone he deems weak, rude to people lower than him.

Physical Traits: (human form) Looks 10 years younger without a beard, brownish green eyes, red lips, light brown curly hair. (Wolf form) River. A mixture of browns, a little smaller in size than his Alpha, Golden eyes.

P.S.....Those who are meant to be together have the same colored eyes when in shifted forms......

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