c. thirty

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Recap: going to write this because I'm a terrible human who has commitment issues. Celeste had been abused all her life, injected with substances unknown to her. But one day, her mother slacked on her medications, and in a fit of rage celeste tapped into her lycan side, for the first time and killed her mother. She meets the lycans and her journey begins from there. At this point in the story, celeste and the lycan squad (can't think of a cooler name for them) are all getting ready for the ball in which the alpha's and luna's of the werewolf packs they control are inviteted, to discuss the threat posed to celeste's life, and their motivation for killing her. Nero, a dear friend to Sebastian has arrived at a local hotel, and celeste is now extremely nervous, and Sebastian has only found out now that they met. (nothing actually happened when they met he was just really creepy and celeste got the heeby jeebys)


The ride in the elevator was tense with a growing heaviness. I could feel my heart beating irregularly, and I could tell he heard it too. He was probably wondering why the mere mention of Nero's name had brought a chill to my spine, and even I questioned myself. Why was I so afraid of him, besides a cold stare and a few whispered words, Nero had done nothing to me. The bell of the elevator grabbed me from my thoughts, and Sebastian took my hand in his own, gently leading me away through the elegant corridors of his hotel. I couldn't help but feel pride swell in my chest at the sight, but the moment was short lived as we came to a stop in front of creamy white double doors, decorated with beautiful swirls of gold dancing across the painted wood.

It wasn't a moment later that in a grand motion, the doors swung open, revealing the dark haired devil staring forth with a bright smile. He immediately outstretched his arms, wrapping them around Sebastian in what seemed to be a brotherly hug, and didn't fail to give me a sly grin, which managed to send chills down my spine. Something didn't seem right with him.

"Celeste," his deep raspy voice drawled. He took my hands in his own larger calloused hands, placing a gentle kiss on the back of my hand, but his lips were cold stone against my skin. His hands lingered for a moment longer, as his dark soulless eyes stared bored into my own. "Just like your mother," he'd whispered against my skin, and I immediately snatched my hands from his grasp. Within a second, his feigned friendliness had resumed as he extended his arms into his room, not failing to send a chilling glance my way.

"So, Sebastian, I hear you're in quite the predicament," his deep raspy voice rumbled, as he threw himself into a nearby armchair, watching us. I followed Sebastian silently, my eyes not leaving Nero's broad frame, which seemed to darken the bright room with malevolent energy.

"A predicament indeed," he said, as he furrowed his eyebrows, taking a seat atop the king sized bed. My nerves were getting to me. I could hear the thumping. And I didn't miss the glint in Nero's eye as my heart rate continued to rise. I sat beside Sebastian, placing myself as close as I could possibly get. His arm snaked around my waist and the warmth of his skin against my own immediately calmed me.

"Someone here wants her head, and I'd rip my own heart out before that happens,"

"What do we know of what we're up against?" he said, his eyes focused on Sebastian.

"Witches. Whoever they are they have witches on their side."

"Well this just got interesting," he whispered, with a sudden piqued interest. "What did the little lamb do to get herself involved with the witches?"

"I killed my mother," I said, my voice void of emotions.

"Oh, I know. It was truly quite brutal, you and your mother lived in my territory."

"We did?"

"Yes, I know your mother better than you could even imagine."

Sebastian stirred beside me, with a light hearted chuckle, aiming to lighten the mood, "You mean you knew her?" and for a moment, Nero paused.

He broke into an awkward smile, his gaze shifting between the two of us awkwardly. He knew something, and suddenly the distrust both my wolf and I felt, didn't seem so misplaced.

"Yes, I knew her," and the heavy air was suddenly replaced by light hearted chatter, although I kept my lips sealed and watched him intently, just as he was watching me.


"I know this might sound stupid, but I don't trust him." I said, as Sebastian and I walked hand in hand through the lobby.

"Nero? I've known him for decades, he's harmless!" Sebastian exclaimed, looking down at me with an almost confused expression.

"Didn't you hear him? He knows my mother, he should have known my mother." I argued, as the seed of distrust continued to grow in my chest.

"When you live as long as we do, it becomes harder to keep track of the dead and the living. Lycans die just as often as wolves or even the humans do. We're a vicious breed, we kill one another as though it's nothing." Sebastian said, his thumb drawing circles against my hand. I sighed, instead resigning to the crevices of my mind. He too sighed, and brought us to a stop.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," he says, gently brushing away a curl from my face. "Even if Nero were a threat, I'd never let him hurt you."

"I know, but something just doesn't feel right about him." I reply, and for a moment after he looks thoughtful, and simply shrugs, as if at a loss for words.

"Perhaps, we won't have him working with us as closely as I'd hoped for." He says, and I could tell there was disbelief in his voice. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, and my unease wandered into the back of my mind however, I refused to let it go.

I needed to find out everything I could on Nero.


Lord, I'm so beyond sorry!! I would completely understand if this gets no views and everyones removed it from their libraries! I kept telling myself I'd update, but tomorrow became next week next week became next month and now it's been two whole months!!! I just been dealing with a lot of stuff of late, and yknow sometimes it's just hard to actually do stuff instead of sitting around being miserable. I have mock exams on Monday. Still haven't done any meaningful revision.

I know this chapter is really really boring, and for that I'm sorry! I guess I just need to get myself back into the groove. But please!!! It has been a while, please do ask questions if you need a little recap, or if you've forgotten something. I just really want to hear from you all since it's been soo so long! I hope to update really soon, possibly at the weekend, and after my exams (they last two weeks), I'll work on getting this book finished!

-mrs gandy x

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