c. ten

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The beautiful lady above is who I truly envisioned as Catori, but because she is in a music video I have no idea where to even begin to find out who she is😭 But here she is!

I had sat in a child-like wonder with my face pressed against the window, watching both trees and cars whizzing by as we went through the highway, the gentle hum of music filling the silence between us.

In my seventeen years of life, I had never left town. Sitting here in a car was a new thing to me, Esmerelda had made me walk everywhere. And my exhaustion was nothing to the excitement I felt at the new chapter I was opening in my life. I turned, to find Sebastian's gaze already on me with a soft smile gracing his features, lit up by the moonlight. I offered him a shy smile, and pondered whether to interrupt the silence.

"What's it like?" I asked quietly, "Where we're going I mean?" I looked into Sebastian's eyes intently. He watched me, seeming to be in thought.
"It's a much larger town, that's for sure," he says, rubbing the growing stubble, and I sat atop my hands to resist the urge to feel it beneath my fingers.
"It's not really a town, a city rather, but we live in a decently sized house in the suburbs," he added, placing his hand over my own, tracing letters and shapes against my skin. I smiled at the contrast in the colour, the soft sunkissed skin against the deep caramel brown of my hand.
"The shops most definitely have better clothes than those rags in your room!" Benjamin snorted at his own remark as a punched him gently from behind his seat.
"They are not rags!" I said in a playful tone. I had barely finished my sentence when a car sped up beside us, and once a constant speed was maintaned between the two vehicles, the black car beside us swerved quickly into our own car, forcing us into the railings at the side of the road. Before I could even question what had happened, I felt Sebastian's strong arms around my waist, moving me to his side of the car as he immediately slid across the seat, windows down and he snarled, baring his sharpened teeth at the assailant. The three lycans' bodies shook with a building rage and their eyes had darkened into the deepest of blacks, thin black veins trickling down their faces, marring their flawless skin. The cars windows were deeply tinted although I imagined they could see straight through the car as though there was nothing there, with their enhanced vision.

Again the car rammed into us and Benjamin let out a string of profanities as the car swerved slightly in the road and suddenly, the car sped up and turned sharply, acting as a barricade in the road and it was although time moved slowly. Benjamin tried to swerve, however it was too late and the car found itself propelled through the railing down into the forest below. Sebastian had pulled me into him, cocooning my small frame with his own as the car tumbled down into the forest. We flew around the back seats as he hadn't had a seat belt, and he shielded me from every moment of contact we made. I held onto him tightly, my eyes sealed shut as the car came to a halt upside down. My ears rang painfully and I brought my hands to my ears in an attempt to stop it and I heard a voice from behind me. I couldn't determine what Sebastian was trying to tell me, and he must've understood me as he simply stroked my face. He raised a fist and effortlessly punched through the glass, using his forearms to clear the frame of shards, and I yearned to tend to his wounds but as quick as they appeared they were gone. He wrapped an arm around my waist and used the other to pull us through the window. As I emerged, I used the car to steady my stable feet as I looked up into Sebastian's eyes. I raised a hand, unconscious of my actions and placed it softly against his cheek and he leaned into my touch.

"Are you okay?" I asked him gently, my own voice sounding muffled to me. He closed his eyes and I watched his lips mumble what I understood to be a 'yes' as he pulled me close, his took deep, slow breaths and I saw Catori and Benjamin walking over to us through the woods. My ears had slowly opened up and I pulled myself from Sebastian,
walking over to Benjamin, giving him a brief hug.

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