c. fifteen

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Moments later, we were inside the house, Sebastian and Benjamin blurs as they ran around, locking all the doors at the threat, and I sat perfectly still, as the reality of the events began to sink in. I took a deep breath, clenching my fists, and my stomach lurched at the blood that was thickly coating my fingertips. I walked , keeping my hand at a distance from my body. Sebastian and Benjamin ignored me as I walked away and found my way upstairs in my bathroom. I stripped down and simply stepped into the searing hot water. My skin came alive painfully as the trickles ran down my body, and I looked down, watching the dark liquid swirl with water numbly. I heard steady knocks at the door, and I ignored them, and the presence left and I was alone with the horrible memories that began to flood my mind. I saw Esmerelda's eyes, lifeless and staring up at the beautiful sky over the horrific scene I had left.

I can't recall how long I stood under the shower for, but my brown skin was tinged with red as I stepped out, and briefly glanced at the mirror. I lost myself to my thoughts. All I had done since my arrival was deal with the problems Esmerelda had left behind for me. As I'd slowly began to rip myself from her grasp, there she was, pulling me back, and for the first time I felt hatred. All my life, she'd robbed me of any normalcy, and now thrown into a world I knew nothing about, she'd taken my only chance at happiness, from the one place I thought she could no longer hurt me. In death's embrace.

I left the steamy bathroom, to find a comfortable sweater and trousers that still had Catori's scent lingering on them. I reluctantly put them on, following the hushed whispers that could be heard from downstairs.

"I can't get caught up in this, Sebastian, you know it," someones voice came, probably Irene's.

"Yes, Irene, I am aware. But we've been there for you for the centuries we've known you, all I'm asking is that you train her,"

"We could easily do that," came the familiar hiss of Catori.

"No, if I can't be there to protect Celeste, I want her able to do it herself, to the best standard, and so she will have the best!" came the familiar sound of Sebastian's voice. I found them all huddled over the island counter and my entrance seemed to thicken the already present tension in the room.

"Are you feeling better, my luna?" came the smooth bass of Sebastians voice, and I looked up into his eyes, and noticed his furrowed brows.

"Y-yeah, I supposed," I shrugged, and I could tell Sebastian was not satisfied with my answer and sitting down at the counter alongside them, I turned to Catori and Irene.

"Are you two okay? Did you find anything?" I looked between the both of them, and Catori offered a small grunt, whereas Irene placed a hand on my shoulder, offering me a gentle smile.

"We're fine, and I'm glad to see you are too," she said, sighing, "Witches don't often come with pleasant dealings," she said with a groan.

"We still know absolutely nothing about why this witch is after you," came the worried voice of Benjamin, who held his head in his hand, and I frowned slightly, seeing the seriousness in his usually playful demeanor. Sebastian had probably noticed as he moved beside me, pulling me into his arms, and I was far too tired to feel uncomfortable and I sank into the warmth and the tingles his touch offered.

"I don't think she has a personal vendetta against me," I spoke up, and the room became deadly silent. I took a deep breath and I finally relayed the entirety of the events that had occurred to them.

Irene sat with a hand on her freckled chin, and looked into space, deep in thought.

"I think we need to get some of our werewolf allies involved in this," Sebastian finally admitted with a grunt.

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