☾ Wedding ☆

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Sorry this took so long to publish depression is a bitch

The wedding was beautiful, we decorated it so perfectly. We did it near a field filled with flowers and decorated it so you felt like you were in a glass castle. The music started playing, we played the piano version of Adele "make you feel my love"  There I stood with my dad with our arms wrapped up together. I could barely see the wedding, just enough to see Farkle. "you look beautiful honey" my dad whispered I looked over at him and saw he was whipping his tears away. "I love you daddy" I smiled at him, and he kissed my cheek. He took one step forward as did I. My heart was beating, I couldn't believe this day was here. It couldn't have come fast enough. Farkle started to cry when he saw me. I truly believe he is my forever, he is my best friend and the one I truly want. I felt it in my heart that he felt the same way and maybe more.  We stopped at the front row where the priest asked who was giving me away. My father answered "Her mother and I sir" and they let me go. First I walked up to Maya and kissed her belly, then I went to Farkle where he had been standing in front of the priest. He said all the stuff that comes with marriage and then eventually it was time for vows. I started first, "Farkle Minkus, I was never really good in front crowds, always being myself and messing it up. To my friends, it was cute and adorable but it filled me up with anxiety. I was never really good at speeches either so if I mess up I'm sorry" I read, looking up at him for a moment searching for reassurance, he was crying waiting for me to continue "I want to promise you something, I promise to love you as you and unconditionally. I promise to be the mother of your 11 children" I laughed a little which was not apart of the plan, I wiped some tears away laughing them off, he and the crowd laughed too, I guess my laugh was contagious. "I have always have been smiley Riley, but on days when I am: rain, stay in bed till 4 pm Riley, I thank god that you stay in bed and hold me. I thank him because without you I don't know where my life would be right now, you have always been there to pick me up, along with maya and without you Farkle I don't know if Maya would be strong enough to pick me up on my weakest days. Everyday I find myself falling more and more in love with you, you are my soulmate. I can't wait for the day where this is just the fairytale are children tell their children, Even if there is a day where you fall out of love with me and find yourself wanting a divorce I promise I won't. I promise from now on I will be the best wife for you, I will forever want to be your life, that will never change." I read the rest of my vows, Farkle and I were both crying even Maya, he calmed his tears. Then he said his: "Before I start I would just like everyone to know, we did not read each other vows" he laughed, grabbing his piece of paper "Ok before I get into the mushy stuff I would just like to state that I do not want 11 children, but if we do end up having 11 children I will love them each until the day I depart this world, and for you I will love you until time ends. I want to spend every waking moment with you, even if it just watching Tv in bed, because your sad over some kittens passing away. I want to the husband you dreamt off as a kid" he whipped some tears away "you are the husband I dreamt off as a kid" I whispered to him, wish was probably not the best because the tears ran down his face harder as he hugged me, he pulled away remembering he had vows "sorry" he said to the crowd "I have rewritten this speech a thousand times, literally there are like 10 on the ground while i am writing this. I dreamt of this day since I was a kid, I have been in love with you since the day we met, I don't plan on stopping now." he looked up "I can't wait until the day we say our I do's" he looked up, I was in awe. He smiled looking back at my gaze "I have something" he said turning around facing the sea, a screen like in a classroom came down and a video popped up with a 14-year-old farkle "Riley Matthews today in class as you answered a question from my future father in law and I stared at the back of your head I realized something, your the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, the girl I want to wake up every day to when I get older" the younger farkle stopped dead in his tracks and smiled looking somewhere other than the camera "I want to be the guy you gush to your friends about and you tell your parents that your in love with, and I want to be your last love, I know Lucas has already token the first love spot, but it doesn't mean that your first love is the best. I want to be the best. The best for you and for us and for the 11 children we have." he said stopping for a while looking at his floor and then murmuring "If only I could earn the courage to tell you this" I placed a hand on my mouth. Tearing up, Farkle whipped away from them away. Instead of waiting he kissed me. "uh, may you now kiss your bride?" The priest said and everyone laughed and whistled.  


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