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There were Tables on the left with Pink Tablecloths and Pink Chairs, ones Like in fancy weddings. And then there was Blue on the right side. I'm sure some people who were voting Boy were gonna take that into consideration "right" Side. We invited some of our friends and mostly Family, Riley, and Farkle made a visit from there honeymoon down to us. They wanted so badly to know the gender. We picked out Two Names one for a boy and one for a girl. It was hard at first to cooperate with Lucas but in a matter of time, we just snapped back. It was like we were best friends again. And I think that it's better that we just stay Best Friends for a while, we may joke and act like a couple again but what's best is to build a stable relationship. When that happens we can think about something more. Lucas was Team Boy and I was Team Girl so, I put pink frosted cupcakes on the girl side and he put blue frosted cupcakes on the boy side. We kinda recorded us getting decorations ready. But that would be for Lucas's channel. I wanted my video to be purely the party. We both wore White, while we asked the guess to wear the color that represents the "losing" team. Which meant that if you were team boy you had to wear pink, and if you were team girl you had to wear blue. Lucas wore a pink tie and I wore a blue ribbon in my hair. We made it like this because we thought if our guess sat at a blue table and wore blue it would look too blue and same for pink. I mean we could have made them sit at the opposite tables but it was more fun this way. The food options were all Italian. There was Pizza, lasagna, spaghetti, and pasta salad. There also was regular salad and breadsticks. We had chicken for the picky people. We had cherry and blue raspberry punch. But there was water and soda. We had the party pretty late, it was around 6. So we put up a bunch of hanging fairy lights. The party itself was in a field. Lucas's mom owns the ranch on the field so we hosted the party there. We planned on lighting off fireworks if it was Pink it was a girl, and if it was a boy it would be blue fireworks. There wasn't a whole lot of decorations it was the colors we really wanted to get across. People were starting to come, my parents wore pink and Lucas parents wore blue along with Lucas's little brother. Zay wore blue and Farkle and Riley wore pink. A lot of people wore pink and a lot of people wore blue. Everyone started to eat the food and sitting at the tables with the color they thought was the gender. I walked around asking everyone what team they were on for the camera even though they wore the color they thought was the losing team I still did it, in reality, the party was long but we edited much of it out for the video to be short and sweet. At the very end, we all sat in our chairs and lite off fireworks, the last one was going to be the color of our child's gender. We counted down from three, "3!  2! 1!" We shouted, and then it shot up in the air, the moment of truth... the color screamed Pink. I screamed in joy and jumped into Lucas Arms. "were having a girl" he whispered "Teagan" I whispered back. When we edited it we closed upon us and added subtitles so that they could see the name.      

Gender Reveal/ Name Reveal 

8.9M 👍 1.3k 👎 10.6M 👀 9.32 👥

Hart Breaker


This was set before we knew, if you follow our Instagrams you already know the gender I'm sure but this is how we found out:

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