Chapter one

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I got out of my dad's car in front of my mom's hoping to what ever god is out there that she isn't drunk. My dad helps me carry my bags to the door. He puts it down just inside. "Call me if you need any thing. I'll call you later? Love you Evie." He said with a meaningful look in his eyes. He knows what i had to go through at my mother's house. Every other week. I counted the days until i went to my dad's for the escape i always drempt for.

My name isn't Evie, that's just a little easier than Evangeline. Evangeline Taylor. I'm 16 and my life kinda sucks. But this isn't another teenage angst story where the main character finds love and everything gets better. End of story. No Sir. This is how my life turned to shit. Yeah it got a little better.. But thats how it works. Right? Life doesn't always hand you lemons. Sometimes you have to work for them.

"Hi mom!" I yelled closing the front door. "Hi, how was your week?" She asked. "Good." I said. "What do you want for dinner?" She asked. "Dunno." Here it comes. "Well i don't have any of those. How about pasta and tomato sauce?"-because that's all she can afford- She told me. "Sure." I said putting on my best fake smile.

Knowing that i'd be going back to school in two weeks made me happy and sad. I didn't have to deal with my mother. But i couldn't see my friends all day.

I brought my bags to my room. I opened my top drawer and pushed my clothes around until i found the pair of socks with my stash of weed in them. Which means my mother didn't find it. It also means i need to find a new stash place. I think this new one is the best. I grabbed my stool from my desk and stood on it. I unscrewed the part of the light on the celling holding up the glass and taped the full baggie of weed to the part where the light bulbs sit and screwed the glass back on. I put my stool back and realized that that was the last hiding place i'd beed for a while. When ever my mother raids my Room she's drunk. Like that's out of the ordinary though. My bong hides on the top shelf my closet behind all the build-a-bears i bought up until i was ten. I know what you're thinking. 'Why is she smoking dope?' Well it helps me sleep throught my mom yelling or bitching. And it's my escape from her. When i can't be at my dad's anyways.

It' four on a saturday. She'll be completely drunk by six, angry by seven, and slurring her words by nine. What happened to eight? Well. She'll be nit picking everything thats wrong with everything. Including her own daughter. Me. Her other daughter, my sister, is hiding at her fiancée's house. I don't blame her. But Aria promised she wouldn't leave me alone again like she did when she first started dating Jason. But as always, Aria broke her promise. Shocker.

I hide in my room for as long as possible. I put all my clothes away neatly folded to waste time, put my drawing stuff on my desk where i like it, but when there is nothing left. I head down stairs. It's almost fall, but still the weather is almost summer like, so my mother be outside on the deck. Until around seven thirty or so.

We ate dinner out on the deck and made mandatory petty small talk about little things

Then i went on the computer in the kitchen, like most teenagers i'm on Facebook and Twitter. I message my friend and she sends a video call. I get up and slide the glass door closed so my mother can't hear my conversation. I answer the call, i see Echo's face and my day gets a little better. "Back at your moms? Harsh." She said. Echo has been one of my my friend since grade three and best friends since grade five. The pretty grey eyed brunette staring back at me has always been there for me, and i for her. "Yeah... She's already past that point." I said. Echo knew what i meant. Past the point of not stopping. "Do you want to come over? My parents are out of town. They don't even have to know." She offered. In other words, she wanted to see me. I needed to see her. "She'll want to talk to your mom. You know that." I pointed out. "Got that covered. I recorded my mom last time she talked to your mom. I have her agreeing to it." Echo said. "Thats epic. Okay i'll call you. As soon as you hear her voice play it." I said. "And stop when she's talking." She added. "Yeah. Thank you Echo." I said. "No problem. But uh.. Can you bring your... Special vase? I have some flowers for it." She asked. "Yeah no problem. Wheres yours?" I asked. "My mom found it, smashed it and made me clean it up. She did not find my stash though." She said obviously still pissed at her mom. "Ah. Okay. I'll call you in just a sec okay?" I said. "Yep." She said the and ended the video call. I loged off Facebook and Twitter and called her. I opened the back door. "Mom, can i sleep over at Echo's tonight? Please?" I asked faking sweet and innocent. "I guess, i want to talk to her mother though." She said as if on cue. "Here." I said handing her my cell phone. I didn't hear all of the conversation but my mom said "Here, when are you going to be home tomorrow?" Perfect! It worked beautifully! "Umm... Two? Ish?" I said. "Okay. Have fun." She said smiling a smile that was almost genuine. But it wasn't. The smile meant she could have her fuck buddy over and not have to be quiet -she isn't in the first place- because i wont be here.

I put my phone in my ass pocket and run upstairs to my room. I grab my stool and pull it over to my closet and grab my bong. There isn't water in it. Smell's to obvious as to where i hide it. But Frebreze and a good dish soap mask it. I put my stool back and get my bag. I pick out socks underwear a black crop top and my black and white striped jeans for tomorrow. I wrap my bong in them throw black pyjama shorts and a grey tank top over them. I don't worry about a tooth brush for the morning. Echo and i do this so ofter that we have a tooth brush for each other in our rooms. I stuff my eyeliner, maskara, eye drops, phone charger and cover up in my bag zip it closed sling one strap over my shoulder and run down stairs. I grabbed my keys and left. "Bye!" I yelled. "Bye!" She yelled back sounding almost glad i was leaving.

Echo's house is a five minute walk sober, ten minutes high. But as soon as i got there she was out side sucking on a cigaret. "Hey!" I said running to hug her. "Hey!" She said holding her smoke away so she wouldn't burn me. "Can i have a drag?" I asked.

I bet you're thinking something like 'This sixteen year old smokes too?!' No. Well yes but not all the time. Just with Echo. The only place i can with out being seen by someone. Small town, shit travels fast.

Anyways, i took a few drags from her smoke and handed it back. "Thanks." I said blowing out smoke. "No problem." She said smiling. "Shall we?" She said flicking her cigaret butt to the side walk. "We shall." I said. Once inside i saw her step brother. "Hey Jake." I said. They get along pretty well. He's eighteen. Two years difference. "Hey Evee." He said back. "Friends coming over?" I asked him. "Yeah, later why?" He asked. "Wanted to know if we had to share or not." I said pulling my swirled purple glass bong out of my bag. Him and Echo got it for me for my birthday last year. "In that case yeah. I can supply for a while." He said.

We wandered into Echo's room and sat on her bed. We were all friends in a way. We got high, laughed shared some things. Stuff like that. Echo got water for it and Jake handed me some pot. I sparked it up, three puffs and pass to Jake. "New shipment?" I asked. Jake sells the stuff. Ten bucks a gram. Not bad in my books. "Yeah, straight from Jamaica." He said handing the bong to his sister. "It's smooth." Echo said passing the bong. "Yep." I agreed. "You know what i haven't done in a while?" Jake said between puffs. "What?" Echo asked. "Played truth or dare." He said passing. "We should play." He stated. Being pretty much high Echo and I agreed. "Okay... I'll start... Echo. Truth or dare?!" Jake said in a weird accent if you want to call it that. "Dare." She said. "I dare you too... Make... Miss Evangeline wet." He said. "Ewe. No, pervert." I said. "Wait. Aren't you guys fucking? Thought you were. Never mind." We weren't screwing. But we have talked about maybe dating. "Okay! I got it! Kiss. See if you like it." Jake said. "Okay.." We said slightly out of sync. I leaned in so did she. We turned our head so that our nosed wouldn't coiled. Then we kissed. Is wasn't half bad. Her lips were soft. Not like any guy i'd ever kissed any ways. "How was it?" Jake asked. "Good." Echo said. I nodded in agreement. "Okay... Evie. Truth or dare?" Echo asked me. "Dare. Can we just play dare?" I said. "Yeah." "Sure why not." "Okay, i dare you to kiss my brother then tell me who was better. Me or him. So i did. It was nice. I think he slipped his tongue in my mouth though. "I'd have to say it's a tie... Sorry." I said. "Jake. I dare you to... Kiss Echo. Since you aren't technically related it's okay. Tell me who was better." I said. They did. They looked almost cool with it. Until Echo's expression was disgusted. She pulled away. "Umm... You were better Evie. Sorry Echo." He said. "I agree with you." She said. There was a knock on the door and Jake got up. "Those are my friends. Se ya later." He said getting up. "Later." "Bye."

Jake closed the door behind him. The Echo said something. "What?" I asked. "I said ' was that weird?'" "Not for me." i smiled. Yeah we'd kissed before tonight but we were high, playing spin the bottle at a party, putting on a show or just experimenting. Nothing big deal.

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