Chapter three

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I walked in and Jake, Echo and... "Jason?!" I ask confused. "Evangeline?" He said. "You're Jake's hook up?" I ask. "Yeah. You're his other friend?" he said. "Yeah... This is a little too fucked up. Does Aria know you're here?" I ask. "Wait! What the fuck is happening..?" Echo asked. "Oh... This is Jason. Aria's fiancée... Other wise known as, Jake's supplier." I said feeling very awkward. "Hi. And no, Aria does not know i'm here, she is working, so am i. I would like for not to know where i am, especially if i'm supplying her little sister's supplier... If that makes sense." He said. "A bit. But okay." I said laughing. "So, let light this bitch up!" Jake said enthusiastically.

And we did. It took a little bit to kick in but it was working. I laughed my ass off... Until i couldn't remember why. Actually couldn't remember anything. Then i came back. And left as fast as it came. Like a wave coursing through my body. "Woah.." I said holding my head. "What?" Echo giggled. "It was..*Wave. Blank...Back.* like a wave..*Wave. Blank...Back* I feel it. From my toes to.. *Wave. Blank.. Back.* my head..." I said getting a little scared. "Here. Have some water. Get rid of your pasties." Jake said handing me a glass. I took a sip. Wave. Blank..... Back. I grabbed my head as it started to spin. Wave. Blank.... Back. The blank spots getting longer, harder to get back. Harder to remember. I hear parts of a conversation. Echo wants munchies from the store... Jake want's a quarter pound of this stuff.. But Jason notices me. "You okay?" He asks. I'm freaking out. *Wave. Blank... Gotta remember... Back.* I start crying. But no tears flow. Not that i can feel any ways. "I- i know how stupid i sound.. *Wave... Blank........... Back..* but this is really scaring me... *Wave. Blank..... Back.* there's a 'wave' that goes through me and whenever it does... *Wave. Blank... Back.* i can't remember what time, day, month, year it is. Or where i am for what feels like five minutes.." *Wave. Blank.... Back.* "What do we do?" Jason asks. "We take her home." Echo states. "Is she tripping out?" Jake asks. "Yes. Not in a good way." Jason answers. "Someone she's known forever needs to keep her calm. Jason. Start your car. Take us to her house. Now." Echo demands. Just then another wave hits. Hard. I hear Echo as i come out of it. "Come on. We've gotta get you home. Okay?" I shake my head,to afraid to speak. But i do any way. "My mother will kill me.. *Wave. Blank.... Back.* i won't see the light of day for months." They lead me out to Jason's car. Jake and Echo are on either side of me in the back seat, and Jason is driving up front.

We get to the house in under three minutes. Echo and Jake hold either side of me so i don't fall when we walk up to the door. Jake jiggles the handle. "Locked. Keys?" He asks frantically. Echo reaches into my front pocket. "Got em!" Jake takes them. A wave crashes, i stop dead in my tracks. "We're almost there. Just another minute." Jake says. I barley recognize his voice so I shake my head. I open my eyes and put the voices to the faces. They bring my up stairs to my mom's room. "Miss. Andrews. We really need you." Echo says. My mom threw open the door recognizing Echo's voice. "What the fuck is going on?!" She asks. "It's my fault. I- we sampled some new stuff... She's.. Well it's a really bad trip... I'm sorry. The waves start hitting very close together now, barley leaving room to remember any thing. "Lay her down on the bed." My mom says clearly pissed. I feel a pillow under my head. Only feel it because my eyes are shut tight. If i open them, i spin. "Where did you buy from." She asks Jake. "My regular guy." Jake says leaving out the part where it's my sisters fiancée. "Go get her iced water and a straw. Now." Echo and jake leave. Just me and mother. "I'm sorry..." I say. Another wave. I just catch the last part of my moms sentence. Grounded, a month. Or more. Great. To top it off she asks, "So, are you too fucked to get me a beer?" What i wanted to say was: Are you kidding?! I don't hardly know where i am! And you want me to help feed your booze problem?!! Really? What i really said was, "Uh..-" she cut me off. "Never mind. ECHO! Get me a beer!" She yelled down the stairs at my friend. I could almost see the look Echo would have had on her face. But she did come up with a beer in her hands. "All i can say is ride out the high." Said my mother. "Nothing else i can do." She added.

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