Chapter ten

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Three days in the hospital and countless faces to come and visit. None were Echo, the only person i wished would, by some miracle, walk through the door. Jake came to see me and all i could do was cry because his face reminded me of all the times the three of us were together and did so much stupid shit. I left the hospital to go home and stay there for a week.

Echo's funeral was terrible and depressing. It just made me number and Jake could see that so after we went and got high in a park, i just cried more.. All i seemed to do was cry.

The week passed all too quick and going to school and having to walk past Echo's house hurt more than it should have. After i got home from school was the first time i had cut my self in years. Echo always helped me through my really bad nights and she wasn't here anymore and i really don't know were to turn. Everyone i love dies. And i honestly can't do this any more.

A month ago Echo and i got hit by that car. Tomorrow it'll be a month since she died.. I've been cutting deeper and deeper every night and it just helps me feel something other than sad.. I called Jake.

"Hey babe, been a while since i've seen you. How you coping..?" He asked timidly.

"Alright i guess, i just miss her a lot... She was always there and now it's empty.. My life is empty." I said in a shallow tone. "Don't talk like that... Please.. Don't worry... I promise it will get easier Eve.. I'm going to come over alright.?" Jake told me. "Okay.. Hurry up okay." I said to him. "Before you hang up..." I started. "What is it babe.?" He asked. "I love you.." I told him. "I love you too." He said. "Eve you have no idea what those words mean to me.. It's unreal to hear that.." "I know Jake, i was thinking about it and just... Im happy with you. Now hurry up and get here.." I said smiling.

Im pretty sure she ran the five minute walk to my house because he was there in two. I opened the door and fell out the door into his arms an kissed him with everything i had. We spent the rest of the night in my room. My mom was out drinking, it was a friday after all. Things were really heated and he went to take off my sweater and i forgot about what i had done and he pulled it over my head, with nothing but a bra on it revealed all the cuts along my waist line.. "Oh my god... Eve.. You said you were okay..." I reached for my sweater and he threw it across my room. "You had just scars left and i never said anything because even they were faded but those look like they were done yesterday." Jake said running his hands very lightly over them.. "After she left i just didn't know what to do.... Then school feel the same.. And i just.." I started crying a bit and he wiped away the tears with his thumb. "You need to tell me it you ever have another bad night. Please. I can't lose you too..." Jake said shutting his eyes tight and pulling me close.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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