Chapter nine

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By the time we got to the beach almost everyone was there and doing whatever. "Hey!!" Someone yelled to me. I looked around but didn't manage match face to voice before i was practically tackled. "Evie! Oh my god! I haven't seen you in forever!" Caroline screeched before finally releasing me. "Hey! It's only been about two moths. And you were the one who went paris all summer." I said. Echo nudged me, "I'm going to go be social." She smiled and waved. "Yeah. But there was this guy! God he was so good in bed!" "Whoa! I do not need, or want to hear this." I said laughing. "Well i have to get something from my friend. Bye!" She said walking away, a little too excited. It was still pretty hot out so it wasn't long before people were ditching their t-shirts and shorts and jumping in the lake. It was one of the hotter days this summer so everyone wore very little. "You going in?" Jake said wrapping his arms around me from behind and kissing my neck. "Maybe if you never do that unexpectedly ever again." I said turning around in his arms. "Why not?" He said with a stupid grin on his face. "You scared the shit out of me." I said releasing my self from his arms. I pulled my overly large crop top over my head and yanked at my shorts. "So that's a yes to going in the lake." Jake said looking at me. "Yes. This is new, i want people to see." I said referring to my bikini. Neon green and purple pattern covered my swimsuit. "God you're hot." Jake said. "I know." I said looking back at him. I ran up to Echo and grabbed her by the arm pulling her into the lake with me. Bonus was she's already in her swimsuit.

"What?!" She said stepping into the lake.

"Your brother's here." I say grinning a bit.

"Okay. So?"

"I didn't text him.. Kinda on purpose..."

"Why?" She asked genuinely concerned.

"He told me he loves me... And i don't know if i love him.. I feel something deeper than a simple crush. But i don't really know what.."

"You care about him. I can tell, maybe not love yet but with time. So just act normal, okay?! Geez. Hell bang him in his car for all i care. Just calm down!"

"Okay!" I said laughing. "Speaking of cars: how's the hunt for one coming?" I asked. "Oh, i found one and my mom said she'd help pay for it too. Now i just need that last bit of money for my licence." She said. "Well... No you don't," she looked at me confused, "i'm paying for it. Happy early birthday." I said smiling. "Oh. My. Fucking. God. I love you!" Echo said wrapping her arms around me. "Yeah i know." I said smiling. "My final test is like friday afternoon.. I should start studying; passing would be helpful." She said grinning. "Then study your ass off and come straight to my house after." I said smiling. Echo smiled squeezed my hand and walked away to someone else. I could see jake walking over to the lake pulling his shirt over his head and kicking off his shoes. "The water's fine babe, come one it." I said looking at him. I turned away and started swimming further out into the lake. I could hear the water move as Jake was catching up. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me towards him and kissed me. "You're perfect you know that." He said. "Well i do try." I grinned.

No one left the lake until about 8 or 9 at night and it was really fun. It was real, genuine fun and for the first time in almost two years i saw Echo truly enjoy herself.. The way people can mend after being broken so many times is astonishing to be honest. Echo has been broken so many times that her missing pieces are visible to the right people; that's why her and i are the way we are. A lot of our broken pieces fit together and we make the rest work.

I got yelled at when i got back to my mother's. Something about being out too late and the piercing in my face. I wasn't really paying attention. I didn't fall asleep for a while and woke up later than i should have. I rushed all morning and my hair was a mess to i put it in a french braid. I didn't look to awful. Except the uniform and all that.

I left a little early so i could go to Echo's house before we left for the bus. I walked in and her parents had already left. "Are you excited for grade eleven? Cause i know i am!" Echo said the an overly sarcastic tone. "Oh yeah. Definitely. But at least it's a half day due to the stupid pep rally in third and forth." I mention. "That is true." She said grabbing her bag and putting it on the counter. "I think we have religion first or second period." She continued. "With Mr. White?" I asked hoping she'd say no. But she nodded with a scrunched nose as she jammed a binder in her bag. "Fuck i hate uniforms. I don't get why we have to wear them the first day i mean i'm not staying past going around to all our classes." I said to her. "Where are you going?" She asked. "I'm skipping and walking home. You coming?" I said to her as i adjusted my kilt rolling it again because it doesn't fit. "Why walk when i have the car." She said in a semi serious tone. "Holy shit" i stared at her wide eyed and then she grinned really wide at me. "You passed the drivers test?!" I almost yelled. Echo screeched and held up the keys to her parents car. "We don't have to walk!" Echo said excitedly. "But we do have to leave." She said pushing me off the counter.

We got to school and found our lockers which were a few down from one another and the people between us were regular partiers so we should always know when one's happening. First period is a class together as well as last. By lunch we had caught up with basically everyone we knew and even some we didn't. I met this really hot guy in my auto class who i think Echo would like a lot. I stood near my locker waiting for Echo while people were going to the gym for the pep rally and as soon as she walked by me she grabbed my arm and we walked straight to her car.

"Where do you wanna go?" Echo asked as she turned the key. "I don't care in all honesty." Echo's jaw dropped suddenly. "What?" I asked with a quizzical look. "Do you remember last summer when we were up in Coburg with everyone and we walked around the woods for like an hour? That's where we're going." Echo told me. I just laughed a little and opened the window.

We were just getting on the highway with the radio turned up almost all the way just laughing over old memories. It was a scene out of a movie. Until a semi truck came out if nowhere and hit the driver's side straight on.

I remember screaming as i saw the truck. I remember the look of sheer terror on Echo's face. After that all i remember is waking up in the hospital with broken ribs and a large stitched up gash on my leg from flying debris, along with other cuts and bruises. I opened my eyes to see my mom and dad talking to one another and Aria passed out in the chair next to me. "Is Echo alright..?" I asked, the voice that came out of my mouth was hoarse and ragged, nothin like mine. The grim look both of my parents gave me was enough of an answer. Echo was in surgery with slip chances. Echo got pulled out of the car with broken ribs, a broken arm and a fractured leg. Her ribs punctured her lung and almost her heart.. It was the next morning before i heard anything about Echo. They fixed her lung and put her bones back into place and she should be alright. She should be put in the same community room as i am by tonight.

It was almost ten and Echo still wasn't here.. I'm starting to get scared. I try to get out of bed, god it hurt. But i managed to get out to the hall and walk, very slow, to where Echo should be. Her room was dark so i started to open the door slowly when i felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see a nurse, "Are you a little lost?" She asked sincerely. "No, i'm looking for the other crash victim. In the car not the truck." Her face got dark and i suddenly couldn't breath; my knees got weak an i fell to the floor, the nurse grabbed my arms and tried to brace my fall and yelled for help. I don't know if you know what it's like to lose some so close to you, if you have i'm sorry, if not you could never imagine it.

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