Chapter eight

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And with that i go and hug my dad then go to my room.

I was reading when my phone started to ring.


"Hi Evie."

"Hey Aria, whats up?" I ask sitting up in my bed.

"Do you want to come over for coffee?"

"Umm... When? Because i still have to go get supplies school..."

"Now? You have all week. I'm sure it can wait. Plus i want to talk to you."

"What about Jason?"

"He's at work today. I have a day off."

"Okay. Pick me up in an hour or so?"

"Yeah, Dads right?"


"Love you."

"Love you too, bye."


Aria picked me up around four, we ended up at her apartment. "So how are you?" She asks me. "Im pretty good..." I say. This takes her interest.

"Wait. You went from awful to pretty good. Explain. Now."

"I'm at dads... And i may or may not be seeing someone..."

"Whats his name?!" Aria asks excited for me.

"Jake. Echo's step brother, she's okay with it."

"Isn't he two years older than you?"

"Yeah... Why?"

"Theres a two year age gap... Just be careful about him okay?"

"Aria. Really? There's almost a five year age gap with you and Jason."

"Evie... You are smart just be careful. And if you decide to give him all of you, remember... you can have sex with anyone, but making love is so much more."

I nod not sure what to say.

When i got home Jake called said he wanted to talk. no clue what about. But I met up with Jake and planned to go to see Echo after.

We met up at a park, he was already on a swing so i joined him on the other. "Hey, what did you want to talk about?" I'm honestly scared.. People don't ask to talk about good news usually..

"I think i'm in love with you... Evie.." Jake says flat out.

I'm floored. Scared mostly. "Most people don't get too close to me.. Its dark.. I have a lot of demons, the darkness.. it's where they hide." I say after a long pause of trying to find the right words. "Well... Theres a hell inside of me... Its available for your demons to live.." Jake answered. "Jake... I can't say i love you.. I'm not so sure it would be truth... I'm sorry..."

"I know. I've always known... You can't force love, you have to invite it in and keep it in your soul. And hope to god no one breaks your trust with it."

"When your trust of love is broken before you understand it, it's hard to ever let it back in."

Jake takes my hand gently and simply says; "I can wait." He grabs the chain on my swing and pulls it towards him and kisses me softly.

I went home and my dad told me why he was mad at me getting a piercing and that i was grounded. Two weeks. I guess it is fair. But at least i found my missing piece to happiness. Sex. And it just so happened, i may have found love... But i'm scared that it won't work... Most things i love, or those i think i do, leave. I gave up on love so when Jake told me he love'd me i got scared... So what else is there to do? Drag on about it? No use.

I have to go back to school on monday which means back to a uniform. But at least Echo will be there and we can make fun of all the kilt rolling sluts. Don't get me wrong we roll our kilts too but not so hight there's nothing left to the imagination. And there are a few. But Echo is all of my classes this semester. Well except art, but she has her elective. But i have to go back to my mother's house first.

She doesn't drink the day's i come home. Check that, not as much. Because she has to exchange a few words with my dad. God i hope monday is worth it. Less time with the monster. But that also means less time with Jake. He graduated last year but we still have weekends. Speaking of weekends, Echo is coming over tonight.

When Eco got here my mom was passed out up stairs. "Hey, i have some fun in my back pack for you." She said winking at me. So i grabbed her bag and unzipped it and pulled out a bottle of Jack. "Oh i love this one. When did you get it?" I asked. "Jake picked it up before he dropped me off." She said. "Of course he did." I said grinning. "Do you have mix?" Echo asked walking into the kitchen. "Nope. We have to go for a walk."

"Ugh! But it's all the way down the street!" She said dragging her feet.

"But i think that kid Joseph is working tonight."


"He's like, in love with you. Pull your shirt down a but and he might pay."

"Point taken."

"Shall we then?" I say putting the bottle back in my bag.

We walked to the mac's milk down the street and there was Joseph right where we thought. "Hey Echo." He said.

"Hey Joseph." She said grinning. I looked over at her and winked. We grabbed some coke and a bag of Doritos because we'll probably going to get high later. I put our stuff on the counter. "Alright that'll be $5.31." Echo and i both patted every pocket with shocked expressions. "I don't have my wallet..." Echo says pretending to freak. "Me either.. Joseph.. Would you help us out?" I ask. "Please?" Echo adds. "We'll do any thing you ask." That was probably the worst line to ever escape my lips but it worked. "I'll pay if you two make out." Joseph said. "Fair trade." Echo said shrugging. So we made out and she grabbed my ass.. In all honesty i think i was a little turned on.. But we got our stuff. At no cost might i add.

On the way back while laughing at what had happened Echo says, "If only you weren't dating my brother." She giggled. "What?!" I said laughing. "I would be all over that." She jokes. We laughed at her twisted joke and kept walking. "What the hell is that?!" She practically yells. "What?" I ask. "Where's your phone?" She asks me knowing full well where it is. "Shit! In my bag." I rifle through my bag and finally find my phone, i manage to answer on the last ring. "Hello?" I say. "Hey, what are you doing?" Asks Jake. I look over who says, "Who is it?" "Jake." I say to her, "And Echo came over. Thanks to you we can have fun." I say to Jake. "Damn." He says. "Why?" I ask. "House party but i know how it is with Echo, so don't worry about it." Jake says. "Sorry." I say to him. "I'm not." Echo adds before i hang up.

It was about nine when my mother woke us up. That was always one thing she can do after getting trashed. After some difficulty we were awake. "Ugh." Echo groaned as she rubbed her eyes. "What?" I asked as i copied her. "We have school tomorrow." She said sounding disgusted. "Shit... Well what do you want to do today? Last day of summer and all." I say. "I want to go to the lake. One last time before it's really fucking cold." Echo said closing her eyes and smiling. "Oh my god. That was almost deep." I smiled. "Should we make it into something? Invite a few people?" Echo asked. "Yes. To both." I said. "Okay, send a text to everyone in your contacts saying to meet at the lake around noon," she lowered her voice, "booze of course accepted so long as it isn't seen be people." Echo winked.

Hardly ten minutes had passed since after we sent the mass text and already had about twelve people saying they'ed go. Which is really strange for a bunch of high school kids who tend to sleep all day. "Hey," Echo said getting my attention, "Do you remember that kid Jasper?" She asked me. "Jasper..?" I said. "The one you had the major crush on freshman year. Ringing any bells?" She said smirking to herself. "Oh god! Yes! I like him for half of last year.. Then he stopped talking to me for whatever reason. Why?" I say to her. "He got an invite and wanted to make sure it was cool... Is it?" Echo asked genuinely confused. "I don't see why not." I say honestly. Might Hey be nice to see him again. Catch up a bit maybe.

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