Imagine for Hallohellohola

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Sofia's POV
Hi my name is Sofia and I am a pediatric dentist while my husband, Niall, is a general dentist. Niall and I have 3 year old twins named Vicky and Maty. Niall and I have both decided that we were going to bring the twins in for their very first check-up. Lets hope this goes well.

Niall's POV
When I woke up I realized that today was the day that we were going to give Vicky and Maty their very first check-up. To be honest, i'm actually kind of nervous of how it was going to go. My mums coming with us to help with the twins while we check their teeth. It was time to go after we ate breakfast and brushed our teeth and flossed them. We got the twins into the car and headed down to the office.

~At the Office~

Sofia's POV
When we got to the office, we took Vicky back first and did her check-up. Everything went fine with Vicky and Niall went to bring her back to his mum. He called Maty back and while he was on his way to the room, he fell and landed right on his face. I quickly ran to pick him up and just cuddled him for a little while while he stopped crying. I put him in the chair and Niall got everything ready.

Maty's POV
I was sitting with my grandma Maura out in the waiting room of my parents dental office while my sister was getting her teeth checked by my parents. She came out a few minutes later with my daddy and left her with Grandma. He called me back so I stood up and started following my daddy back. As I was walking I tripped and landed straight onto my face. I started crying and the next thing I knew I was in my mums arms while she was trying to calm me down. After I was calmed enough, they put me in the chair and my daddy got his tools, mask, and gloves on and asked me to open. I opened my mouth and both my mom and dad had a look on their face.

Niall's POV
As Maty was walking with me to the room he fell and landed on his face. Once Sofia was able to calm him down she put him in the chair and I asked him to open and started checking his teeth. I noticed that when he fell, he broke a tooth I told Sofia that he broke a tooth and that we would have to extract it. She just looked at me and nodded her head. I got the stuff ready and I told Maty that he was going to feel a slight pinch and I gently poked the needle in. I was having trouble getting the medicine into his mouth since his mouth was so small and by this point Maty was full on screaming his head off. Sofia tried to calm him down as much as she could, but it wasn't helping very much. I was finally able to get the medicine into his gums and then we waited for it to kick in before I pulled his tooth.

Maty's POV
When my daddy came around with a needle I got really scared. He told me that I would feel a little pinch and that's when he put the needle into my mouth. It hurt a lot and so I started screaming and crying. My mummy was trying to get me to calm down but it wasn't helping very much. My dad finally was able to inject the medicine into my gums and he said that we were going to give it a few mins to sit before he pulled my tooth. I started to fell weird on my cheek so I told my dad and he got the pilers and put it on my broken tooth and pulled my tooth out. He put a cotton ball in my mouth to stop the bleeding and then we went out to my sister and grandma.

Sofia's POV
That was the worst experience that I ever had to watch. It was so upsetting that I had to watch my own child go through that. Once Niall finished the procedure we all headed out to the waiting where Maura and Vicky were and we got the twins into their carseats and headed home. I was so relieved when it was over. When we got home we were all very tired so we all went to take a nap together. I really do love my little family.

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