Imagine for hallohellohola

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You were cleaning up your dental office after a long day of patients when you heard the doorbell ring. You go up to the waiting room and you see a guy standing there that looks about your age you recognize him but you don't remember where from though. "How can I help you?" you ask the man waiting at the door for you. "Are you the dentist by chance?" He asks. "Yes I am." "I'm a doctor but I had an accident and I really need help by a dentist." "Okay. Follow me right this way." He followed you to an exam room and he sat down in the chair. Since he was a new patient you had to ask him a few questions. "Before we get started, there's a few questions I need to ask you." "Okay." "When is your birthday?" "September 13th, 1993." "What seems to be the problem?" "I was at work and some one came from around the corner and they didn't see me and hit me in the mouth and i've been in pain ever since." "Okay. Last question and what is your name?" "Niall Horan." When he said his name you immediately knew where he was from he was your High School crush. You put on your gloves and mask and grabbed your explorer and mirror you put a bib around his neck and leaned the chair back. You asked him to open and you got started checking his teeth. You came across two teeth that needed to be extracted and when you went to touch them he squirmed and that's when you took your tools out of his mouth. "So the damage is two teeth need to be extracted." After you told him that he looked like he was about to cry so you asked him what was wrong. "Is there something wrong?" "I'm terrified of Needles." "Well I can help you overcome that fear." "Okay." You got a Q-Tip with numbing Jelly on it and told him what you were doing. "So this first thing is a Jelly that is just going to numb the area so that you don't feel the Needle go in and i'm just going to put it in both areas that the teeth need to be extracted." He nodded and opened his mouth for you. You put 2 Q-Tips in his mouth and told him that he can close to let the Numbing Jelly to work. After he closed his mouth you turned around to your desk and got the Numbing Needles ready. You turn back around to the chair and ask him to open again and you took the Q-Tips out of his mouth. "For this part I'm going to be keeping my mirror in your mouth and i'm also going to shake your check so that you barely feel the needle." He just nodded and he opened his mouth and you grab the needle and bring from behind so that he didn't see it. You put your mirror in his mouth and started shaking his cheek. You put the needle in his mouth and you can tell that he tensed up but other than that he was fine. You took that Needle out and picked up the second one and asked him to turn towards you. He did as told and you told him that we were going to repeat the same thing on the other side that we did on the right side. He just nodded and opened his mouth and you put your mirror in his mouth again and started shaking his cheek again. You put the second needle in his mouth and once again he tensed up but other than that he was fine once again. You took the needle out and gave him some water to get the taste of the medicine out of his mouth. You let him get numb for a few minutes and while you were administering the medicine to make him numb you noticed that he was staring into your eyes the entire time. You ask him if he was numb and he nodded his head. You asked him to open and you checked to see where the teeth were and then grabbed the pilers. You put it around the first tooth and started wiggling out the first one. You got that one out nice and easy and then got started on the second tooth. You got the second tooth out without a problem as well and then put cotton in his mouth to stop the bleeding. You set the chair up and let him for a minute while you cleaned up then he said that he had a question for you. "What is it?" "Will you go on a date with me?" "When we're you thinking?" "When's your next day off?" "Tomorrow. We close the office on Friday's" "Would you like to go get coffee tomorrow morning then?" "Sure." "Great. I'll meet you there." "Sounds good." 

-The next morning-

You get up and start getting ready for your coffee date with Niall. You show up a few minutes before he got there and you walked up to meet him. He gave you a hug and you guys sat down and ordered your coffee. You and Niall talked for a while and then he told you something that you were not expecting him to say "I have something to tell you Y/N." "Okay, what is it?" "In High School I was secretly in love with you but I never knew how to approach you and when I saw you last night you are still beautiful as  when we were in High School." When he said that you blushed and got a huge smile on your face. He then asked you a question that you always wanted him to ask. "Since I didn't get to ask you in High School. I though I would ask you now. Y/N I would love to get to know you better so I was wondering if you will be my girlfriend?" You said yes and he got up and hugged you and kissed you. 

-A few years later- 

You and Niall dated for a few years and then he asked you to marry him you said yes of course and then a few months later you guys got married and you guys are still working your jobs. Him as a doctor and you as a dentist. Even though Niall was afraid of the dentist, you helped him overcome his fear of the dentist. Your life couldn't be any better than it is right now. 


Hey guys!

This imagine was for @hallohelloholaI hope you enjoy it Sophie!

Also please send in your requests! I really want to start writing imagines again! So please send them in! I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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