Imagine for Bucky_Lover56

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Bela's POV
Hi my name is Bela and I am 16 years old. My brother, Niall, is in a band named One Direction and I am in the band as well. Recently the back of my mouth has been hurting but I don't want Niall to find out. Now I know what you're thinking "Why don't you want your brother to find out?" Well you see, when the band isn't touring or doing anything Niall is also a dentist. So that's the reason why I don't want Niall to find out. I was just sitting on my bunk in the tour bus when Liam came up to me and said that we need to head into the stadium to do soundcheck. I just nodded and followed him to the stadium.

-At Soundcheck-
Liam's POV
We were at soundcheck getting ready for our concert that night. While we were soundchecking, I was watching Bela sing her part and I noticed that she was wincing. I know that somethings wrong with her mouth. I'm going to talk to her about it after soundcheck.

-After Soundcheck-
We went back to the bus after we were done with soundcheck and thats when I decided to ask Bela what's going on.

*Convo between Liam and Bela*
L- Hey Bela. Can I talk to you?
B- What's up?
L- Well, when we were soundchecking I noticed that you were wincing. Is your mouth ok?
B- To be honest, no. Its absolutely killing me. But I really don't want to tell Niall.
L- Bela, you have to tell Niall. You know that he can help you if you're in pain.
B- I know he can help, but I really don't want to tell him.
L- Do you want to go together and tell him?
B- Yes.
L- Ok. Lets go.
*End of Convo*
Bela's POV:
I'm really glad that Liam is coming with me to tell Niall. We walk to the game room where Niall is sitting with Zayn on the couch playing a game. I ask Niall if Liam and I can talk to him in private for a few minutes and Zayn gets up from the couch and leaves the room.

Niall's POV:
I was just sitting on the couch with Zayn playing a game in our game room when Liam and Bela walked in. Bela asks me if her and Liam can talk to me in private and Zayn gets up from the couch and walks out of the room. I tell Bela to come over and sit next to me which she did.
*Convo between Niall and Bela*
N- What's up Bela?
B- I really didn't want to tell you this.
N- Tell me what?
B- The back of my mouth has been hurting for a while and its getting up to the point where I can't stand it anymore.
N- Well, I can help with that. Follow me to the medical bus and we can get you checked out.
*End of Convo*
Bela and Liam follow me to the medical bus and I bring Bela to the dentist side of the bus. I set up the tools that I need to and get gloves and a mask on. I grab the explorer and mirror and asked Bela to open. When she opened I noticed that her gums were really swollen in the back and it looked like her wisdom teeth are coming through. I took my tools out of her mouth and I told her that I will have to take X-Rays but it looks like that her wisdom teeth are in. I get the films and put them in her mouth. I took the X-Rays and I was right her wisdom teeth are in. I go go and get all the tools I need for a wisdom teeth removal and went back to the room. I told Bela that her wisdom teeth are in and that were going to remove them today. I got her set up and I saw her eyes roll back into her head which meant it was time to get started. 
-After the procedure-
After I finished the procedure I cleaned up and waited for Bela to wake up. She woke up a few minutes later and Liam and I helped her out of the chair and back to the bus and into her bunk where she stayed for a week while she healed up.
-One week later-
Bela is fully healed up at this point and is back to performing with us.

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