Birthday Christmas Party

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Addison's POV

Just listen to the song...

Setting: 2 days till Christmas, Scarlett's 16th birthday. The morning of the last chapter. 5 A.M

I wake Carlie, Sam, and Tucker up to see how our plan, to make Scarlett and Danny sleep in the same room, worked. We sneak up to their room in our PJ'S, open the door, and I have to slap my hand across Carlie's mouth to keep her from squealing. I have to admit, that they are really cute together! Scarlett is sleeping on Danny's chest, bare chest might I add, and he's holding onto her. I can't believe she didn't storm up to our room last night, demanding for her night clothes. I'm kinda surprised they aren't naked..... Lol my little sister. I took a few pictures of them sleeping together. I was planning on coming in taking pictures and waking them up, but I decided to let them sleep in a little longer, and I then ushered everyone out of the room. I grabbed a really beautiful dress for Scarlett and laid it on the couch, 1 because it's her 16th birthday, and 2, her 'dinner dress' for today is way too slutty.

Scarlett's POV

I wake up to see that I had been sleeping on Danny's chest, bare chest might I add, and he had me wrapped up in his arms. His arms were wrapped  around my lower back. I squiggled a little bit trying to get out of his grip, not that I really wanted to, he was warm, comforting, and his smell of Spearmint was still so intoxicating, lingering over his body like a low fog hovering above the Earth. I look up to see him smiling down at me, he chuckled, and hugged me tightly. I slowly removed myself from his arms, not wanting to do so at all, got up and found an outfit laid out for me with a note.

Dear Jem,
Hey it's Addie. I was going to wake you guys up, but you were cuddling, and looking so darn cute together, so I left you two alone. Anyway I didn't like your 'dinner dress' so just for your birthday, I got you a different one, the other one was way too slutty! Oh and come to our room to get dressed! Anyway happy birthday, and I'll see you soon! Xoxo!

Love, Addie.

I grabbed the outfit, gave Danny a kiss on the cheek, told him to get up and ready, and I'd meet seen him down stairs. I then left for my sisters room.
"Why again couldn't I just do this I'm my own room?" I asked Addie.
"We need to do your hair and makeup with out you seeing it." She answered, and then told me to get undressed and put on a blindfold so I can't peek. I did as I was told and, someone came into the room, it was Addie. She put the dresses on me, walked me out, sat me down on a chair, and started to curl my hair while I'm guessing Carlie got on my face makeup, and I'm guessing Sam did my nails. Carlie did all the girls makeup at her High school prom and Addie did their hair. They finished 'dolling me up', took me over to what I suppose is a body mirror and took off my blindfold. I gasp in surprise, there was a beautiful girl staring at me, she did everything I did, I find out, that beautiful girl is me... I turn to the girls, and gapped at them with surprise.
"Wow... This is AMAZING!" I squeal. They squeal with me.


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