Part 2

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"Whydon't you just shut up and fuck me?"

Shedoesn't give herself any time to rethink her words, before sinkingdown on his hard cock. Truth is, that she doesn'twant to think about what they are doing, because that makesit all the more real. She isabout to cheat on her husband of twenty years with the man she hadbeen so incredibly in love with thosetwenty years earlier, the man who had been everything to her exceptthe ticket out of the shithole she had called home as a teenager. Theman she, if she was honest with herself, still harbored feelings for.She'd already shattered around his talented tongue and questingfingers twice in the last ten minutes, she can't deny that, but shecan still tell herself she hadn't really been cheating at all (it'sstupidand a lie, she knows that. It 's still easier though). But this,right here, is different. He's sheathed in her completely, being asintimately joinedwith her as at all possible, while her husbandis still waiting for her to forgive him for his misgivings. A part ofher recognizes the irony behind thesituation.

Andthen he moves inside her, gently at first, and all thought of herhusband or why she shouldn't be here were wiped from her mind. Allthat still existsarethe two of them, moving as one, reconfirming what they already know.That even after twenty years, they still knoweach other, still knowexactly what to do. Still havethat incredible spark between them thathadmade their sex so great decades ago.

Hesets a slow pace to start with, guiding her gently with his hands onher hips. She's panting above him, leaning forward into his spacejust far enough for him to capture one of her breasts with his mouth.He'sbiting and sucking the sensitive nub, draws back to blow cold airover the heated flesh, watches with satisfaction as her skin breaksout ingoose flesh and she visibly shivers - and then he starts all overagain with her other nipple. She braces her hands against the back ofthe couch, on either side of his head and starts to move her hips ina faster rhythm.

Thisslow and languid pace is not what she wants, what she needs. It givesher too much opportunity to think, to feel the emotions she pusheddown as far as they would go. This isnot the time for that. This isnothing than a short lapse in judgment, a quick fuck to relievetension and frustration. A mistake never to be repeated again. But,to make her believe that herself, he needed to actually fuck her -the harder the better.

"FP"it'sthe first time she sayshis name since she had shown up at his door and the way she saysit, equal parts warning and begging, makeshim come to the same conclusion she already has.This is not a non emotional fling, but neither of them could affordto let it be anything but that. So he closeshis eyes for a second, grips her hips hard enough to have her stopmoving. And when he openshis eyes again, he's right there with her; pretending.

Holdingher firmly in place above his lap, he turnsthem over abruptly. She letsout a gasp when her back hitsthe couch hard, that turnsinto a low moan when he shifts inside her as reaction to hismovement. He hasto bite her shoulder to anchor him to something not to come rightthis moment. And then heclaims her mouth with his own and starts moving inside her again.

It'shard and fast and everything she hasn't done and felt in a very longtime. His bruising fingertips digging into her flesh are justpainfull enough to keep her grounded, to remind her of the one thingshe can not forget. This can't be gentle or she's going to fall downthe rabbit hole that is loving him again. That had been a train-wreckwaiting to happen even then, and it certainly is now. So, before hermind decides to supply her with images of how they weren'tdestinedto crash and burn, she rakes her manicured fingernails down his back.She's leaving red streaks and bruises and, when he hits her justright and she digs her nails into his lower back, she's sure she'sdrawn blood. Not that either of them cared, really and that bite markon her shoulder is going to bruise by tomorrow anyway, so she thinksa little payback is not amiss.

Eventually,her hands settle on his ass, pulling him deeper inside her with everyone of his thrusts. She laughs, a short hard sound, when her mindregisters the expletives he's whispering against her naked skin. Sheanswers in kind, encouraging him to pick up the pace still, to moveeven faster, to take her even harder. To just fuckher,consequences be damned, because everything else feels too much likethis isn't a mistake.

Hegets the hint, pulls her hips off the couch for a better angle andwith a few sharp movements has her screaming his name, among otherthings. He wants to kiss her again, but he's torn between his desireand the urge to hear her scream and moan and curse – and to knowhe's the one responsible for those sounds leaving her lips. In theend, he opts for just watching her as she falls apart under himagain.

Shehadn't thought she would climax again but it seemed like her bodydidn't share that believe, when the first waves of her orgasm ripplethrough her body. He can't hold on much longer, she can see it on hisface, but that doesn't matter, because she's right there with him. Afew more thrusts and he's coming inside her, in turn bringing her ownrealease.

Hecollapses on to of her for a moment, both of them panting hard,trying to catch their breaths, before he slides away from, and outoff, her. She bites her lip to keep from sighing at the loss ofcontact and scrambles off the couch to find her clothes. He doesn'tbother with much himself, it's his house after all, so sinks backinto the couch in only his underwear. He watches her get dressed,supresses the urge to stalk over to her and start undressing her allover again.

"Thishas never happened" She's fastening her bra behind her back,looking him over with a raised eyebrow. How can she expect him toforget this ever happened when she's standing in front of him,wearing nothing but her underwear, the obvious sings of theiractivities still prominent on her body and in her face.

"Ofcourse not" He answers nevertheless. From the moment he had kissedher this was noting they would ever speak of again – he knew that,she knew that and they were both okay with it. (Another lie – seemslike they are telling themselves quite a lot of those tonight)."Won't ever happen again either"

"Ofcourse not" She's finished dressing, plucking her coat from thefloor next to his front door and slides it on. Doing up the buttonsshe deliberately looks anywhere but at him, because the last thingshe should be doing is sliding out off her clothes again and spendingthe rest of the night naked, making love to him. But that's exactlythe only thing she really wants to do right now and when she'd lookat him, see the same desire reflect in his face, she would not bewalking out of his door anytime soon.

Soshe picks up her purse, slings it over her shoulder and opens thedoor without looking back.

"I'lltalk to them, make things right. Don't worry"

Shecloses the door behind her with more force than necessary, justbarely resisting the urge to bang her head against it, repeatedly.

Shit,she'd had a purpose for coming here. 

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