Part 4

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"Ihaven't had a real, civil conversation with my husband in ten days,and you decide it's appropriate to give me hickey?" She's gettingdressed in front of the small mirror in his bedroom, him watchingfrom the bed. It's early and it's the first time she actually stayedover, but now she has to hurry, sneaking back into her house beforeher daughter wakes.

Hadthis happened earlier, when she had still been with her husband, shewould have still hidden it, because you just don't * do * hickeys,but she at least would not have to explain herself if somebody saw.Not even to said husband, since she had a way of convincing him ofeverything she said, so she would have found a way to make himbelieve he'd given it to her.

Butnow? Her children know she's not speaking to their father and theyknow she's definitively * not * doing anything with him that wouldresult in a love bite. And as much as the girls seem to be prettysure their parents are heading towards a divorce there's still no wayshe could let either of them see it. Even if they wouldn't completelyfreak about their still married mother seeing someone, they wouldwant to be introduced.

Andhow do you explain to your children that you have two decades worthof history with one of their boyfriend's father, that you recentlyrekindled? Especially when you can't even say * what * exactly youare rekindling?! She knows they both have feelings for another, hadfor the last twenty years, but they had been sleeping together forthe last eight days and not one conversation about what they aredoing had been brought up. For all she knew, this could only be sex,incredibly good sex, but still nothing else.

"Icould give you a matching one on the other side. I'm sure thesymmetry would look even better" The corners of his mouth go up ina smile and she almost forgets that she needs to be angry with him.He catches her gaze in the mirror and no matter what else she saysnow, he can see she's not actually mad.

"Thisisn't funny" She tries nevertheless. She turns around when he getsout of bed, not bothering with a stitch of clothing. There's nothingshe hasn't seen or touched before and it's still his house, he canwalk around however the hell he pleases. Her gaze travels downward,feels herself responding rather vividly to what she sees, takes alook at her watch and with a sigh realizes they really don't havetime for this.

Hedoesn't seem to mind, as he walks over to her, placing soft kisses inthe exact spot he had promised the new love bite to be. Her fingerrake through his short hair immediately, like they have a mind oftheir own and she tilts her head to give him better access. "Ididn't hear you complaining when I put it there last night" Anibble to her sensitive flesh and she moans, pushing herself closerto him. "Or now for that matter" She feels the smug smile againsther throat.

She'snot able to respond in words though. He has reduced her to a mouthuseless of speaking; a brain useless of thinking straight. She needsa whole thirty seconds to realize, that the hands on her back,working open her bra, are her own. But when she finally does, shelets it hit the floor with an audible sound that gets his attention,lets him push her panties back down her legs and drags him back tobed.

"Therebetter not be another hickey tomorrow" She only manages to get thisout because she's scooted up the mattress and he had to let go of herneck for just that long for them to get comfortable again.

"You'reno fun" He won't do it if she doesn't want him to, but he loves totease her, so he dips his head again, tongue sweeping over the tenderflesh he had been nibbling on.

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