Part 10

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He'stracing random patterns on her back, and she smiles into the pillowunderneath her head when she realizes at least every third of them isa heart. He's the tough guy, ready to fight whenever necessary, andhe can look fierce and dangerous when around the rest of theSerpents, but what none of them know is * this * side of him. Theside she came to appreciate so much after she had fallen in love withthe bad boy all those years ago – the side that is reserved onlyfor the people he loves. She had counted herself the luckiest girl inthe world to be falling under this description and she finds shestill does. She loves him for everything he is, all his flaws andpast mistakes included, but she lives for those moments when they arecompletely alone and he lets this soft and caring part of him show.

Hehad never treated her badly or any less than she deserved when inschool or with their friends, had always made sure everyone knew howmuch she was his and how much in love he was with her, but he hadalso always been different at home.

Here,there's no one around to demand his attention but her, and he fullyintends to give her all of that she desires. There's also no onearound to challenge his leadership role when he lets show that hedoes indeed have a soft and loving heart.

Hishands change course and he follows the length of her spine with afeather light touch. She can't suppress the small sound of delightwhen his fingers travel lower still, sneaking under the sheet that'sjust barely covering her as it is, and smooth over her backside anddown her legs as far as he can reach from his position.

Helaughs, leans down to press a kiss in her hair and to her cheek,grazing her earlobe with his teeth lightly, before reaching thecorner of her mouth. He linger there, and she doesn't complain, justturns her head a nit more to accept his kiss fully. When he pullsback, she finally opens her eyes, locks them onto his and smiles whenshe sees his matching one.

"Sorry,didn't mean to wake you" He sounds sincere enough, that she wouldhave believed him if she didn't know him like she did.

"Liar"She retorts with a laugh, her eyes traveling down the front of hisbody to where the sheets pulled around his hips. With a slightlyquirked eyebrow she lets him know she is aware of his intentions andshe can't deny that she's incredibly willing to give in to them, too."Don't you dare stop" She gives him a stern glance that wouldhave been more intimidating in probably any other situation thanlying naked next to him in bed, and the hand that's tried to retreatback up her spine stays exactly where it is.

"Never"He kisses her again then, makes such a thorough job of it, that sheforgets everything around her. When he pulls back she needs a momentto realize that she needs to breath. And it had happened only oncebefore, on the night twelve days ago when they had slept together forthe first time, and she vows to never let it happen again, but shecan't help comparing him to her soon-to-be ex-husband. She had lovedHal and he had his own ways to make her feel good and great and torouse her to his touch, but she seriously doesn't recall ever beingthis done-in by a simple kiss.

Sheturns onto her back then, pushing the sheet off of her bodycompletely and giving him a perfect view of her unclothed body. Thehand that had been massaging the back of her thighs travels to herfront with her movement and he doesn't waste any time in picking uphis ministrations in his new position. She moans into his kiss, hereyes opening briefly and closing again without her conscious thoughtto do so, when he pushes her legs apart and lets his fingers wanderhigher.

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