Part 10

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"Honey! I'm home!" Daveed greeted jokingly. Y/n was sitting on the couch wrapped in blankets.

"I still feel like shit," Y/n sighs, "I can't even go to rehearsal." Daveed sighs and lays next to her and sets his bag down.

"I'll stay here and take care of you," Daveed smiles. She shakes her head.

"Noooooooo," she groans. He chuckles and pulls his phone out and texts Lin.

Daveed: Yo, Y/n sick I think she has stomach flu. I'm not going to be at rehearsal, need to take care of her.

Lin-the-triggerman: Alright, man. I hope your girl feels better

Davees: she's not my girl.

Lin-the-tripperman: sure she isn't.

Daveed groans and lays his head on her shoulder. Y/n blushes and lays her head on his.

"I'm staying here with you. You think if I made you some soup you could hold it down?" He silently asked. She shakes her head.

"I've been throwing up all day. I can't even hold down water. You may need to substitute tomorrow too," she sighs. Daveed nods and wraps his arms around her and kisses her cheek.

"Anything for you," he says, "so you have 5 siblings?" He smirks. She chuckles.

"Yes, one of them is in England, one in LA, then the rest of the family is here in New York. I grew up here," she explains. Daveed smiles.

A silence fell between the two.

Y/n sits there, thinking. Then she feels something. Something wet. Mostly in between her legs. Y/n got up from the her spot on the couch causing Daveeds head fall in the couch. He softly mumbled.

The girl went into the bathroom and checked herself. Blood. Lots of it. She quickly opens the wooden door to the cupboard and searched and searched. Nothing. There was only one thing she had to do.

She slowly opened the door and walked uncomfortably to the living room were Daveed sat, channel surfing.

"Hey uh, Daveed? We are best friends right?" She asked softly. The boy whipped his head towards he and raises a brow.

"What did you do?" He replied. Y/n blushes form embarrassment. She looks down and hides her face. This was truly embarrassing.

"So uh," she began and started to play with her hair, "I kind of, and I mean kind of, started my uh....period? And uh...i have no pads or tampons." Daveed blushes unable to think.

"Can you go get me some?" She asks shyly. Daveed nods quickly and rushes to get his keys and wallet before running out the door.

"Dumbass doesn't even know what I want."

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