Part 21

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I to rewrite this. I was reading it and it sucked and was rushed. Sorry

The world soon found about Lin and Y/ns condition. There was news coverage, articles, even YouTube videos. Daveed had seen all of them. He wanted to correct people on their facts. Mostly about Lin.

Lin s injuries seemed more severe. He could die. He could lose to much blood in his brain. Daveed could look at him.

He couldn't looknat one of his best friends.

As time went onw, Daveed grew depressed. His thoughts were always taken to a dark place when he read a new news articale, or even just looking at them.

As of now, the man was sitting in her room staring at the floor. Y/n was currently asleep, breathing weirdly. Daveed didn't look up to look at her. All he did was think.

She's going to die you know. So is Lin.

His head shot up as he listened to the voice.

This is your fault after all. Who would of thought that the man that had it all would throw it away like that?

He shook his head ignoring it. Daveed stood and walked out of her room. He passed by all of his friends and family, as he exited the hospital.

All he needed was a little bit of normal. That is it.

His legs took him to a local bar, a place he almost called home once. The bar was tiny, and gross. It was filled with bikers and hookers. The place was something you see in movies.

When he entered, his eyes met a womens, who was at the bar, with an empty stool next to her. So he decided to sit next to her.

"So what brings someone like you in here?" She asked, staring him down as he ordered a drink.

"I needed some sort of normal in my life," he replies simply, taking a swig of his cold beer that was placed in front of him.  Daveed didn't even notice the smirk on her face.

The women next to him was completely different from the one he loved. She had wavey black hair, and blue eyes. Her skin was a soft caremel color, almost like Anthony's. Her clothes were kind of reveling. He couldn't tell if she was a hooker or not.

"Well, I can give you some normal if you like?" She offered. He shook his head no.

"Sorry. I got a girlfriend." The women only rolled her eyes and leaned over to him, as if she was destracting him.

"Please I insist." Daveed groans.

"I said no." He pushes her off of him and takes a drink of his beer. The women leaves and was soon replaced by a dear friend of his.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"I can't look at her," he replied after he realized who it was. Daveed looked over to his friend. Rafael.

"I know how you feel. But drowning it away in beer will only make it feel worse," Rafael says, taking the bottle away from him. "Plus I'm sure that woman was about to give you roofies or something
" Daveed chuckles slightly and looked away. "Look. Daveed I know it's hard. I know you feel like it's your fault but it isn't. She needs you more than ever now. And if you want to throw all of it away because of one accident, I won't stop you. But you will regret it."

"I feel dumb and useless." Daveeds eyes becomes watery. Rafael places a hand on his back.

"Then stay with her. You won't feel so dumb and useless after you see what you do to her." Rafael removes his hand from his back and stood up.

After he left he say that at the bar thinking.

He knew he had to stay for her.

So he did.

Yeah so uh, I'm rewriting the some of the story. I hope you guys like it!

Everything will turn out the way it's supposed to.


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