Part 19

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"Lin that's not how this works," Y/n argued. "You have to get the hook into the ring. That way it can be lefted up, and dropped into the shoot. This isn't a normal claw machine."

"Oh hush, Y/n. Not all of us grew up watching anime and hentai," he snaps back, before turning his attention back to the machine. The girl next to him blushes deeply.

"Do you even know what hentai is?" She yelps shoving him slightly.

"I'm old, not un-cultured. Of course I do," Lin chuckles. Y/n groans and holds her face. Just as she was about to say somrthing, her phone went off. "I would answer that." She rolls her eyes and answers the phone.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Where in the he'll are you two!" She hears Daveed yell.

"Whoa, babe, calm your tits. Lin and I got distracted. We found a japanese arcade. Lin sucks at japanese claw machines by the way." Daveed groans. Y/n hears some sort of slap. He propably face palmed.

"Everyone here is hungry. Anthony is stealing the all of the food in the fridge."

"We are going to get the pizza. Don't worry."

"You know it's been an hour right?"

The two sit in silence. All that can be heard is curses from Lin.

"Get the damn pizza. Or no mid-night runs to the store when your on your period." Y/n gasps.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, I would." She groans and turns to Lin.

"Get your ass ready. We need to go get the pizza." Lin sighs and goes one last time, this time winning.

"Ok we are heading to the pizza place."

"Thank you. Love you!"

"I love you too. Bye Daveed." She hangs up.

"Oh man, you are in to deep," Lin chuckles grabbing his prize.

"And I'm trying to keep. Up above my head," she continues the lyrics.

"Instead of going under!" They both yell. Lin and Y/n laugh before leaving the arcade.

"I still think we should of brought at least a car," she sighs, hugging herself, trying to protect herself from the cold. Lin shurgs and mutters a whatever. The two walk into the street and on to the cross walk. Lin looks down the street and sees a pair headlight making it's way to them, full speed.

"Y/n We need to get out of the street. Now" Lin yells. She rolls her eyes and continues to walk.

"We are fine Lin. We have the right of way. They will stop."

They didn't stop.

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