Chapter Nine: Selfless Gesture

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No time was wasted that night as Donovan and I were escorted into a large black Range Rover and prepared to take a three hour drive to some distant location. That was the only information anyone had shared with me but it was frustrating. I had a right to know why I was a captive that was now going into hiding.

My body was still aching from the previous night and I hadn't eaten in twelve hours at this point. But I kept quiet the entire time since everyone seemed on edge. Especially Donovan who glared out the window with his thumb and index finger touching his stubbled chin.

I looked behind us and saw another Range Rover following closely. Hannah, Nate, and one of the men that had been guarding my room were in that car. Stone was also in the car and it terrified me to think that elephant would probably be with us.

But I could hardly think too hard about the variables of the situation because I was distracted by my hunger. So I settled back in the leather seat and held my stomach.

"Where are we going?" I asked Donovan, but the driver attempted to speak up first.

"We're almost at-"

"No." Donovan finally turned away from the window and looked at me. "No more questions. When we get there Hannah's taking you to the basement and you'll be there until I say otherwise." He cocked an eyebrow. "Got it?"

I pressed my lips together to hold back the choked feeling that I had in my throat, but I nodded regardless because Donovan scared the shit out of me.

"Say 'yes'" He demanded. It was in that moment that I gagged and began to heave from the anxiety.

"St-Stop the-Stop!" I practically yelled, pushing open the door of the car, leaping out, and running to the side of the road to throw up. Nothing but water came out and it was a horrid feeling that made me want to die in that moment.

"Rosemary!" I heard Hannah call as she ran over and placed her hand on my back. "Breathe" she said softly as if I'd forgotten the most essential human function.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply while hunched over trying to rid myself of the anxiety of both the situation and the way Donovan treated me. He hated me, everyone did.

Five minutes passed before I stood up and got a steady pace to my breathing. Donovan and Nate stood undisturbed a few feet away.

"Take a sip." Hannah handed me a bottle of juice which I gulped down.

"Can we get back on the road?" Nate asked, checking his watch. 

"Donovan, maybe I should ride with Rosemary?" Hannah asked.

I looked between the two of them. Donovan held my gaze for a split second then nodded and reached to open the door so that Hannah and I could slide into the car. Then he and Nate went into the car behind us and our journey continued.

• • • • • •

"You're in hiding for the time being." Hannah said with a nervous chuckle, walking me slowly through the house that would be my prison for who knows how long. "This is a summer home that Donovan use to bring his favorite girls to so it's meant to be very comfortable."

I didn't want to picture a man that cold utilizing this beautiful place for any romantic reason. It was too tranquil and the layout was exquisite. The outside of the house was a white contemporary style with large windows that seemed to be the result of security measures. The house had nine rooms and a large basement that was the perfect dungeon for my hopeless self. The most alluring feature of the house, however, was that it was located on a private lake and docked two small boats. The boss must've been making millions from his syndicate because I couldn't imagine this type of lifestyle.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Hannah gushed as we looked out from the back porch. I stayed quiet but she knew I agreed. How could I not? My living situations in the past had all consisted of run down apartments or ramshackle houses. This was beyond beautiful.

It was actually therapeutic considering the painfully long car ride and languid state of my body after vomiting. I had nearly passed out when we arrived earlier so Hannah gave me a few crackers to ease my stomach before the tour of the house. Meanwhile Phil, our guard, and Stone, our guard dog, checked the grounds around the house while Donovan and Nate stayed outside to talk logistics.

"Are you staying?" I asked, shoving another cracker in my mouth. Hannah turned to me and gave an apologetic smile.

"No, the rest of us have to run the business and figure out what's going on."

"What's going on?"

"A lot." She shrugged. No one was allowed to tell me anything clearly and it was nerve wracking. "But don't worry, I'll be coming up every few days." She grinned, folding her hands in front of her red pencil skirt.

Hannah seemed to be the only saving grace for me. She told me very little about her personal life and her role in this business but for now all I could do was appreciate her caring about me even in the slightest.

"Okay." I looked back out at the sun rising over the water. We had driven into the morning here and it felt nice to finally see something hopeful.

"Hannah, it's time for you to leave." Donovan announced, appearing on the porch dressed still in his black three piece suit and checkered tie.

I'd only ever seen him in muted settings, but in the natural light he actually had softer features that made him seem a bit more like a human.

Nate was beside him with his hands tucked in the pockets of his gray utility jacket.

"Oh okay, Rosemary I brought clothes to your room upstairs and had the bed made up. Donovan, I cleared the basement like you asked. Was there anything else that needed to be done?" She smiled up at him. Donovan furrowed his brows.

"I asked you to do the opposite Hannah." I was quite confused as well.

"Did you?" She looked astonished. "I'm so sorry. I can call Bill to have the furniture brought down but it'll take a few days." She bit her lip.

Donovan exchanged a look with Nate who hid a laugh behind a cough. I was so confused.

"That won't be necessary." Donovan said simply.

"Perfect. Nate, let's head back. Please stay safe you two." Hannah pulled me in for a hug then followed Nate to the front of the house. Before she turned the corner she gave me a sly wink and I understood exactly what had just happened. She deliberately went against the Boss' orders by stripping the basement of what I needed so that I could have the luxury of staying in an actual bedroom. I felt myself begin to smile at the selfless gesture. I wished, if only for a slight moment, that she would appear again so I could thank her.

"Rosemary!" I heard my name and perked up to look at Donovan who'd been calling me by the back door.

"Sorry, Yes?"

"C'mon, we have some things to discuss." I followed him inside the prison and away from my temporary moment of content.

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