Chapter Twenty: Control Me

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I usually don't put warnings on explicit chapters but consider this a warning since this one is pretty graphic.

The manila folder sat on top of the bed for an hour. I didn't touch it. I didn't open it. I just looked at it and wondered what could possibly be inside.

What happened to my real parents? What was my real last name? Where was I from?

I wanted the answer to these questions but I didn't know if I was ready to find out the answers now. Especially because of where I was and my lack of freedom.

So I walked to the dresser by the closet and slipped the folder into the top drawer. It would be out of sight and I could approach it with a more level head if I wasn't forced to look at it all night. But as I showered and crawled into bed, it stayed on my mind. Even when I tried to think about something, anything, else the thought returned.

I didn't want to be left alone with my own thoughts. They were dangerous and often toxic.

I stood up from the bed, figuring that I'd go to Hannah and talk to her if she was awake. She would understand my uneasy feeling.

The hallway was dark and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the absence of light.

However, as I started down the hall, I noticed a thin stream of light filter out from one room. Nate's figure was illuminated, still dressed in his suit from earlier without the jacket.

I stood aside, my back pressed to a door. I knew he couldn't see me but I figured that I didn't want to take any chances. Donovan highly disliked me but Nate hated me.

He crossed to the door opposite his and gave a single knock with his knuckle against the wood. Not even a second later, Hannah answered with her body wrapped in a deep purple satin robe and her hair tied in a low ponytail.

"You still mad at me?" He asked her, leaning on the door frame and reaching for her hand. She pulled away.

"Yes, you should've said something." Hannah protested. 

Nate scoffed.

"It's done Hannah. You'll be safe in New York and that's all that matters to me." He went to reach for her hand again. This time she didn't resist.

"If Ashton finds Rosemary, this entire operation is over. We'd all face time, even you." He said.

What did that even mean? If Ashton found me then Donovan's syndicate would suffer. I knew absolutely nothing so how did the fate of their freedom come down to me?I didn't know how that was possible but perhaps that was what Donovan was alluding to when he wouldn't explain the issue that resulted in this hiding.

Hannah nodded. "I know. I just don't want us all to be split up." She shrugged.

"Can you let me in now?" Nate asked. 

Hannah sighed then stepped aside so that he could enter. He smirked and loosened his tie before ultimately disappearing inside.

I assumed going to Hannah to talk about my issue was out of the question now that she was preoccupied. So I would have to stay in the room by myself with that folder taunting me to open it. But even if it did happen and I figured out my truth, I was still trapped here with nowhere to go and the reality that I had some type of value because if Ashton got his hands on me, something bade would happened to everyone else.

"What're you doing Rosemary?" I heard Donovan's voice and jumped into the air.

He was shutting the double doors to his study across from where I stood.

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