Chapter Seven: Cool Off

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Donovan :) Vote/Comment if you're enjoying this story!

The prison of a mansion that I'd been in was in the middle of nowhere. I'd expected to come in contact with another home of similar size eventually, but instead I'd been walking through the woods for the past hour, stepping over fallen trees, and straining my eyes to see ahead.

I was quite use to being on my own so that wasn't the problem. The problem was that I'd never been in such a setting where buildings and street lamps were replaced with pine trees and the soft moonlight glow.

Regardless of my tired trek, I was glad to finally be out of that man's possession. I didn't care how long it took me to find some form of help. The most important thing on my mind was avoiding capture so that I could just go back to Lush, earn some money, and pay my half of the rent for the shitty apartment Charlotte and I shared with other unmotivated degenerates. Lush life was simple enough, as some of the girls would say. I didn't agree but it wasn't my job to have an opinion.

Suddenly I stopped in my tracks and quieted my breathing. There was a sound in the distance that sounded like a faint swoosh. Rubber against the pavement? A road? If there was a road then there were cars with people! People that could save her.

I started jogging toward the sounds and saw a yellow glow pass above which made my heart speed. I had to get up the hill to the road.

I began to work my way up, grabbing at branches and sinking my feet into heaps of dirt. My hands and legs were getting scratched but that was a small price to pay for freedom. I would be saved soon enough! It was a steep hill but it wasn't long and despite being tired I had to make it to the top.

With one final hoist, my body came in contact with a metal traffic barrier. I leaned over it, out of breath and exhausted.

Another car had to pass at some point. Right? I was tired and thirsty which made sense since I hadn't eaten since before serving drinks in the evening. I'd rejected dinner but I regretted the stubborn choice at this very moment since I needed something. Water seemed like such a delicacy right now. As if it were level with veal and caviar.

"Ma'am, ma'am!" A voice said a few feet away. 

I glanced up and a thin stream of light was shining down on me.

How long had I been in my water daze? I hadn't noticed another presence.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" The voice asked, nearing closer to me. I squinted and covered the glare of the flashlight with my hands.

"I'm not-I'm not okay. Can you please help me?" I asked, still leaned over the barrier while squinting.

"Yes, but can I help you up first?" I nodded and pushed up, allowing him to take my arm as he turned off the flashlight. I was face to face with an older man dressed in a tan uniform.

"W-wait are you a police officer?" I asked, stopping us both as we approached a vehicle.

"Sheriff. Let me bring you to the car so that you can sit and tell me what I can do to help you." He led me to it and a wave of relief encompassed me.

"Thank you for stopping." I settled into the backseat and leaned my head back. "A man was holding me hostage in his house not too far away. I managed to get out and I've been walking for about an hour-until-until-" I took a deep breath.

"Until I stopped." The Sheriff said reassuringly with a warm smile. 

I nodded and he shut the back door. 

He slid behind the wheel and started the car. "I have to take you to the station to fill out a report. Then I'll take you home-wherever that is."

I tuned him out slowly as my eyes got heavy. I didn't realize how tired I was until now. My legs and hands burned from the scrapes but I was happy to be safe from Mr. Faust.

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