Chapter Thirteen: Cat and Mouse

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Our encounter had left me confused for the night and confusion wasn't a great feeling. He'd done something at that diner to me. He'd come onto me in the most explicit way, by asserting himself further and making me submit to him. It had happened so suddenly but yet so casually, as if it was the suppressed personality of my captor.

But what was worst was that it helped. I'd been in the middle of a minor anxiety attack and he'd been able to stop it. Almost instantly. Usually when I got into my anxiety fits I hid out in the Lush bathroom or completely removed myself from the situation entirely. But this time it just-stopped. As if I'd taken a dosage of medication.

However, the worse of it all was that the entire brief situation had aroused me and I couldn't even lie to myself about it. I hadn't been genuinely aroused since I began work at Lush. It was something about the general atmosphere. The idea that I walked around scantly clad for a demographic of men that ranged between twenty five and near death.

The men were unattractive and something in the way they used seductive language made each word gag worthy, "suck me baby" could easily be translated to, "put your mouth on my viagra induced cock." Which only made my job worse. I wasn't even aroused by one-on-one sessions which were supposed to be a bit better. But all those seemed to be was me putting on a play and exaggerating a few moans and groans so they could relieve themselves and pay me a handsome tip. Sort of like the curtsy at the end of a theater production.

Donovan had given me my first mental orgasm and physical arousal in a long time. For so long I thought it impossible but now, well now I was still confused which was evident by the short responses I gave and the silence of the car ride.

"Boss." Phil said, leaning on the window of the driver's side as Donovan pulled up to the lake house after our diner run. 

Donovan turned down the radio.

"Something happened. Hannah, Nate, and Lance are on their way up."

"Something?" Donovan shook his head. "Show me."

"Should Rosemary come?" Phil asked.

"Yes." Donovan handed Phil the key and opened the back door. "Rosemary, get in the back." I moved to the backseat of the car, keeping my distance from him for fear that he might make me submit again. He was clearly capable of anything.

Phil drove extremely fast since our destination was relatively far. I expected the aforementioned "something" to be a warehouse full of drugs or even an abandoned house with dead bodies. Instead, we pulled up alongside a silver Porsche stained with several bullet holes.

Donovan was quick to get out of the car with Phil to inspect the exterior and interior. Apparently they knew who this car belonged to and it must've been a big deal. Again, I was out of the loop. That is until Phil reached into the car and pulled out a denim jacket. I hadn't met many people while here in hiding but that jacket was familiar and there was no doubt in my mind that it belonged to someone I'd recently met. Now I knew why dinner's mastermind hadn't arrived.

• • • • • •

Donovan, Nate, Lance, Phil, and a few others were in the dining room having an in depth discussion. Hannah filtered in and out, bringing printed information to Donovan when necessary.

The only reason why she hadn't come to see me was because everyone assumed I was asleep. I felt like a child attempting to watch television after bedtime, just sitting on the stairs and trying to listen closely.

"They shot at her car but didn't kill her?"

"They didn't want to. The gun shots were just to stop her."

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